This quiz has been taken 2004 times, with an average score of 51.82% 2. (Some people mistakenly think the Philip mentioned here is the one who served as one of the original 12 disciples. What was the outcome of Philips preaching? How can God increase the sphere of our influence? Stephen. 16. Why were the other Christians "scattered" (Acts 8:1, 4)? 1. A 5:18 jail Question number 13 for 30 points. How can God use ?seemly negative? 2-Part chapter analysis answer. Yes. What opportunities do we have to share the gospel today? Acts 8:4-8. 2. Leading other people to Christ requires that we be ready, unafraid, able to use God's Word, and filled with the Holy Spirit. How much 'organized' Bible training is required for one to What happened to the Christians Saul dragged off and (Think: Study Old Testament cross-references and determine what day of the week Pentecost fell on.) 39 Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord _____, so that …. Could demonic powers be mistaken as Godly powers today? Start studying Acts Chapter 8. Acts. To what extent did Jesus foresee this scattering? reach their goals and pursue their dreams, The Beautiful, Amazing, Powerful, Weak, Dysfunctional Church A Chapter-by-Chapter Bible, Please click on the numbers of the chapters for which you wish to see the, Introduction.In 2013 and 2014, our preacher, Alan Hitchen, conducted a special series of lessons on the Book of. Barsabbas. What gifts could the new Christians have received? persecution against the church at Jerusalem and they were all scattered abroad. What did the eunuch have to do before being baptised (Acts 8:37). What is meant by "every house" (Acts 8:3)? Most paralegals today work in …. Acts 8:9-13. -Acts 8:17, And both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water, and he baptized him. end up evangelizing an entire nation? In the third chapter of Acts, Peter and John were involved in the healing of a man by what was called the Beautiful Gate to the temple. They had only been ______. In fact, this Bible study starts ... ... Acts 8 Bible Study. -Acts 8:3, 4 Therefore those who were scattered went ______ preaching the word. 13. asn't the Holy Spirit visible as a dove when He descended You always ____ the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you. What role does the Holy Spirit and angels play in our lives today? 9/16/2014 DAVIS-BACON AND RELATED ACTS Questions and answers on acts chapter 8. What did Simon see? 8. How do you think he got into evangelism? «Previous Chapter Next Chapter» Acts 8 (King James Version) 1 And Saul was consenting unto his death. 5. What changed the heart of Simon the sorcerer? How was Philip able to hear what the eunuch was reading? Bible Study Questions on the Book of Acts Introduction: This workbook was designed for Bible class study, family study, or personal study. 248-bible-quiz-acts-chapter-8-the-power-of-your-witness, This quiz has been taken 2005 times, with an average score of 51.82%. Learn vocabulary, terms, and ... 'What was the answer to this question - Understand you what you read? What was this gift? Who told Philip to catch up to the eunuch? Click here to post your score to Facebook! Why might the Lord have delayed the gift of the Holy Spirit 7.) 6. What did the angel of the Lord tell Philip to do? What book of the Bible was the individual Philip witnessed to reading? Bible study of Acts chapter 8 ... ACTS 8:1-4 1 Now Saul was consenting to his death. What questions did the individual Philip witnessed to ask? This quiz ... Did God preserve His words? Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to that introduction. ... learned. What earlier action opened the door to Philip's ministry? -Acts 8:14-15, 16 For as yet He had fallen upon none of them. At the time of Saul consented unto Stephen's death, there was great persecution against the church at Jerusalem ... 9/16/2014 DAVIS-BACON AND RELATED ACTS . Have I limited my spiritual relationship with Christ to simply believing, or do I seek the Holy Spirit to dwell within me? 2. When should we get baptised with water? on Jesus upon His baptism? 1) What is the Davis-Bacon Act (DBA)? How often do you and your church go to a racially different Multiple Start Dates: Other online colleges offer programs with up to six start dates annually, or around every two months, with accelerated seven or eight week terms.