Aluminum wiring works the same way regular copper wiring works, but there is a significant problem which has made aluminum a thing of the past, when it comes to wiring homes for electricity. The Aluminum Wire is a block that is used to transfer energy between machines, like a Basic Solar Panel and an Electric Compressor.. Steel Core Aluminum. It takes only one pound of aluminum to equal the current-carrying capacity of two pounds of copper making it an extremely attractive material for utilities, builders and others. How to Splice Copper and Aluminum Electrical Wires. The service will come into the garage where the main load center will be. A splice can be made between copper and aluminum wire using a wire connector that is approved for joining AL/CU wires together and following the approved methods: Only use wire connectors that are the correct size for the wires to be spliced. Unless they use silver, though, the high conductivity properties of copper allow for a greater distance of electrical current travel. Steel core copper wire is used for earthling of electrical installations. But it is having very low tensile strength. It is also frequently used to craft a variety of machines in Galacticraft. Aluminum Wire Electrical Wiring Question: I have a few questions concerning moving my service and increasing the load center size. The material is lighter than copper (about one third the density) and therefore easier to handle; it is also cheaper. Aluminum has been safely and effectively used in electrical applications in the United States for more than 100 years. This means electricity can pass through it with greater ease, making it ideal for use in electrical wires. Drop wire of telephone cables. From there a 100 to 125 amp sub-panel in the house will be fed. When electricity passes through electrical cables and connectors, the wires expand and heat up. To make it suitable to be used as conductor for transmission line, we have to increase its tensile strength. As inner conductor of coaxial cable. Companies can use other conductive metals to create electrical wires. There will also be a 100amp sub-panel in the shop fed from the main load center. The wire connectors must be approved for splicing AL/CU wires. The main danger with this wiring is in the connections. Aluminum is used everywhere in the electrical industry. Motors are wound with it, high voltage lines are made with it, and the drop from the power line to your house’s circuit breaker box is probably aluminum. It can be "reinforced" with more wool and aluminum in a crafting table to produce the Heavy Aluminum Wire. Aluminum is light in weight and is having good conductivity. The phase conductors are made of aluminium, while the same-diameter neutral conductor is of copper, enabling it to carry a greater current and thus making the cable better suited to coping with the harmonic pollution problems that are so commonly discussed today.