Whiteflies are harmful at every stage of development, causing leaves to turn dry and yellow and eventually drop from the plant. While sooty mold isn’t deadly, infected leaves take on a dark, unsightly appearance. Whiteflies can severely damage a plant even in their larval stage because of the sheer number of active pests. How to Get Rid of Whiteflies . Slugs and Snails. As a general rule, make sure your plants are healthy, and you're less likely to … Like most pests, the best control for whiteflies is defensive. Though they all look alike, there are two major varieties namely, greenhouse whiteflies and Silverleaf whiteflies. They don’t only infest outdoor garden areas, they’re common greenhouse and houseplant pests, too. Earwigs, on a whole, are beneficial pests. Ways to recognize whiteflies. They are closely related to mealybugs, aphids, and scales. Whiteflies are one of the most common pests found on vegetable plants like tomatoes. Whiteflies On Plants – #1 Best Remedy Hacks. Plants become weak and susceptible to disease. Healthy, vigorous plants are less susceptible to infestation than weak, underpotted, and stressed plants. Signs of Whitefly Activity. Because whiteflies are active during the day, spotting them isn’t that difficult, despite their small size. In order to see if whiteflies are present, just shake the plant. Whiteflies may look small, but in large numbers, they can do massive damage to your plants. Sometimes the only way to even know these pests are living on a plant is when the infestation has gotten large. It’s the whitefly. 7. Like aphids, whiteflies secrete honeydew, so leaves maybe sticky or covered with a black sooty mold. Whiteflies will feed on the leaves and stems of marijuana plants and are one of the most harmful pests to your plants. They are also responsible for transmitting several plant viruses. These white moth-like creatures are about 1/16 th to 1/10 th of an inch. In southern and coastal states whiteflies are found year-round in outdoor gardens. Whiteflies are not really flown. However, when there are too many of them, especially around young susceptible vegetation, they can become aggressive and destructive. How to Get Rid of Little White Flies on Plants. Read this article and learn out how to recognize and get rid of whiteflies. One female can lay up to 400 eggs! Meet the smallest “fly” you’ll ever see (or not see) in your lifetime. Whiteflies on plants. Are earwigs harmful to plants? Like other sucking insects, whiteflies produce honeydew, a sticky substance that can attract sooty mold. In warm weather, eggs can progress to adults in a couple of weeks. While the damage is generally minimal, they typically go for tomato and pumpkin.