Azaleas in pots are far more susceptible to freezing temperatures then azaleas planted in gardens. As roots are the part of the plant that is at greatest risk, digging a hole in your garden soil for the pot and filling any gaps with soil or straw is a good way to keep the roots insulated from the cold. Azaleas are hardy and tolerate cold, but container plants are more exposed. The way to achieve this is with soil that has a high organic content. Every 6 months examine the root ball to see if it is outgrowing its container. Small pots dry out much quicker which results in a wilting and dying rose.... A dying bougainvillea is often due to over watering, slow draining soils and cold temperatures. But after that initial few days, it only needs to be watered weekly. General Care for a Potted Azalea Plant Water azalea in planters whenever the top of the soil feels dry to the touch. The azalea plant is not only easy to look after but can add gorgeous splashes of color to your garden, even on those dull winter days. In cooler temperate climates with more rainfall and overcast days (such as Scotland or Washington in the USA) an azalea can take full sun. Soil in pots tends to heat up quickly in the sun which increases soil evaporation and the chance of drought. Use a knife to make 2-inch deep vertical cuts around the root ball (3-6 cuts only). Water the azalea generously straight after planted or transferred to another pot with enough water so that it trickles out of the base of the pot. This will help to avoid compacted soil slowing down the drainage. Ideally pots should be around 16 inches in diameter with clay or terracotta material. 1/3 Compost or leaf mould 1/3 peat moss (or ericaceous compost) and 1/3 well rotted manure provides all the soil characteristics that a potted azalea requires and will ensure healthy growth. Protect your plant during the winter, if needed, or bring it indoors until spring. When you first plant the azalea, you must water it immediately, then for a few days after, make sure to water it every day. Fertilize monthly during the fall season. But, perhaps you want them in your home. Fertilize once in early Spring with slow release granules for best results. If the root ball is encircled by fibrous roots, you will need to move it into another pot (making sure to go through the same process of loosening the roots as was explained above). Additional water could promote the conditions for root rot. This means potting your plant in a pot with a drainage hole. They also contribute to maintaining the optimal acidic soil pH which helps to ensure nutrient uptake. The great thing about growing azaleas in pots is that you can move the azalea around until you have found the optimal balance of sun and shade. But never fertilize it during the winter. You can prune at anytime of year but the best time is after flowering. You can grow azaleas in smaller pots initially but it is likely that you will have to re-pot the plant after a couple of years. They won't grow larger than 3 or 4 feet tall. Water as frequently as required to keep the soil moist but not saturated. With well prepared potting soil, azalea may only require watering once per week during the growing season. 4 hours of morning sun followed by shade in the midday is a good balance for most azaleas. Some choose to fertilize throughout the year, but it all depends on the climate you're growing azaleas in. Next, growers will need to protect the pots from cold temperatures. According to the Azalea Society of America, azaleas prefer moist, well-drained soil with a pH between 4.5 and 6.0. The goal is to find an area with enough protection from the wind, frost and midday sun, without shading the azalea to the extent that flowering could be negatively affected. If the pot is too small it will limit the growth. The reason for this is that azaleas cannot survive in water-logged soil. Potted azaleas do not require annual pruning and some azaleas will not require any pruning at all. Azalea can grow in full shade but sunlight helps to stimulate the formation of flowers and can encourage better growth.