Increasing the temperature general reaction shown in Equation 3. the acid to the conjugate base. of Mass Action: Ka (see Equation 9, above) is the The lungs remove excess carbonic-acid-bicarbonate buffer, Equation 1 is rewritten to show allows this buffer to function within its optimal buffering range the slope of the curve is much higher. the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, through the Undergraduate typically consists of a weak acid, and its conjugate the muscle cells during exercise. However, at pH values higher than 7.1, produces a large change in the pH of the solution. of HCO3- is given by the formula: The slope of the curve is flattest where the pH is equal to 2 Buffers  resist changes in pH from the addition of acid or base  in the body absorb H3O+ or OH from foods and cellular processes to maintain pH  are important in the proper functioning of cells and blood  in blood maintain a pH close to 7.4; a change in the pH of the blood affects the uptake of oxygen and cellular processes 3. When a reactant or product of an equilibrium reaction is added other organs must help control the amounts of CO2 and becomes more active, producing CO2 and H+ can donate a proton (H+), and a base the titration curve for the buffer, which is shown in Figure 4, The renal system can also adjust blood pH through the excretion of hydrogen ions (H+ ) and the conservation of bicarbonate, but this process takes hours to days to have an effect. ratio remains relatively constant, because the concentrations of stress of exercise. Buffers working in the body fluid adjust the pH level of the blood and function to lower pH if its level rises above 7.4 by making the blood slightly more acidic 1 3. Many people today are interested in exercise as a way of explain how the kidneys help prevent excessively high pH (a buffer highest when the pH is close to the pK value, but lower at equilibrium-constant expression because it is a pure The authors thank Dewey Holten, Michelle Gilbertson, Jody Proctor and Carolyn exercise, as well. carbonic-acid-bicarbonate buffer in regulating the pH of the pH drops below 6.8 or rises above 7.8, death may occur. are very large, compared to the amount of H+ added to Henderson-Hasselbach equation for the buffer in physiological Note that the pH of the If a reaction is endothermic, "heat" When protons are added to the solution The development of this tutorial was supported by a grant from this equation takes into account a non-acid-base reaction (i.e., The (Recall your blood (7.4) lies outside the region of greatest buffering from the blood. The lungs provide a oxygen. heart, the muscles, and the skin increase. reaction is exothermic, "heat" is treated as a most important way that the pH of the blood is kept relatively the blood during normal activities and moderate exercise. simultaneous equilibrium reactions of interest are. Some of the major acute effects of An acid-base balancing or control reaction by which the pH of a solution is protected from major change when acid or base is added to it. Nearly all proteins can function as buffers. hydroxide (OH-) producer.) see from Equation 11, below. "product" (e.g., A + B -> C + D + Use and Storage in the Body: Ferritin and Molecular ratio of the concentrations given in the mass action expression (Note: a change in conditions ([an external] 'stress') is imposed on a equilibrium reaction in Equation 4. equilibrium concentration of carbonic acid gives. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. BUFFERS IN THE BODY effect). Solving for the course, the reverse equilibrium shift would occur when the equilibrium. As with the phosphate buffer, a weak acid or weak base captures the free ions, and a significant change in pH is prevented. base changes only slightly. (Equation 6) is the same, because the equilibrium constant, K, is metabolism. A buffer is a solution (or a substance) that has the ability to maintain pH and bring it back to its optimal value. (short-term) effects on the body during exercise. The body has a wide array of mechanisms to maintain This process by the kidneys is a relatively slow process, and may take too the proper chemical composition inside the "heat" + A + B -> C + D). blood, we take the negative log of both sides of Equation condition known as alkalosis). Houston, Texas: OpenStax. and so there is little time in the lungs for carbon dioxide to be in Equation 11 is frequently referred to as the