Although about 19 million recognized carbon compounds have been found in organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry consists of only about 500,000 known compounds. Organic compounds are formed by covalent bonds while inorganic compounds are mostly formed by ionic bond, few are with covalent bonds. Small Organic Molecules Versus large Organic Compounds. However, major economic benefits are produced by inorganic compounds. Even if they contain traces of carbon, such as in the case of steel, they’re not chemically bonded to carbon, nor does carbon serve as the dominant backbone element. i have a quiz tomorrow and i really didnt understand this. If you are in any doubt about health and safety issues please consult the Health & Safety Executive (HSE). Both organic and inorganic waste have potentially hazardous environmental impacts, as well as associated health risks. The main difference between organic and inorganic chemistry is the presence (or absence) of carbon in the compounds that are being studied, processed, or synthesised. Organic and inorganic compounds form one of the primary bases for chemistry. The human body needs 13 types of vitamins, which are classified as micronutrients that mainly serve as coenzymes to facilitate metabolic processes. This branch also deals with synthesising various inorganic chemicals that have economic and industrial value, including ammonia, chlorine, and hydrochloric acid. e.g. Inorganic compounds are non-volatile and are not inflammable. The modern view of inorganic compounds believes that inorganic compounds mostly comprise of metal containing compounds even if they happen to exist in living organisms. Another way of bringing out the difference is to point out that organic compounds are part of a class of chemical compounds, the molecules of which contain carbon and hydrogen. Also, nearly all organic compounds contain carbon-hydrogen or C-H bonds. Hydrochloric Acid (HCL), Isopropyl Alcohol Organic compounds have biological nature while inorganic compounds have mineral nature. The difference between organic and inorganic compounds does not end with the presence or the absence of carbon atoms in them. Inorganic compounds can make salt, while organic cannot. All vitamins are organic compounds because they contain carbon and are synthesised in living organisms. These have melting and boiling points that are relatively low, When compared to organic compounds, they have low melting and boiling points, They are biological and generally more complex in nature, These are of mineral, and also of not-much complexity in nature, The rate of reaction is generally considered to be  slow inorganic compounds, Inorganic compounds generally have a rate of reaction that is high, There are far more organic compounds than inorganic compounds, this being because the carbon atom possesses the ability to join with other carbon atoms in chains, rings, and geometric forms. Elements, on the other hand, refer to substances that are comprised of just one type of atom. Different chemicals can have different levels of purity, and these levels of purity are called “grades”. In this article, we’ll explore the similarities, differences, and relationship between organic and inorganic chemistry. Inorganic chemistry is the field explaining the structure, properties, and reactions of inorganic compounds. Living organisms also secrete or excrete materials that are considered to be an organic matter or material. Sodium Chloride, Diamond and Calcium Chloride. When an ionic compound contains hydrogen ions, it is classified as an acid. In this way, organic chemistry has some overlaps with inorganic chemistry: Organic chemistry also has overlaps with biochemistry, which plays an important part in this discipline because both subjects look at organic reactions and study important biochemical molecules. Organic compounds are made up of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and their derivatives. A more acceptable difference pertains to the salt making property of inorganic compounds which is absent in organic compound. Your email address will not be published. Distilled Water The main concern of organic chemistry is compounds that have carbon or carbon chains in them, like hydrocarbons or proteins. We are 100% certain you have. We know that nitric acid is an inorganic compound because its chemical formula (HNO3) tells us that each molecule in this compound has one hydrogen atom, one nitrogen atom, and three oxygen atoms. Glycerol/Glycerine/Glycerin Compounds other than organic compounds are called Inorganic compounds and they don’t carry Carbon atoms mostly. I am a conservationist at heart and on a journey to provide the best information on energy in a format that is easy to understand. When it comes to creating/generating quite a stir and causing controversy, not all topics are as polarizing and anger-inducing as cloning. The blog on and everything published on it is provided as an information resource only. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'ablison_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_12',150,'0','0']));Over time, the definition and beliefs surrounding organic and inorganic compounds have changed. Yet another difference is the fact that inorganic compounds contain metal atoms, whereas organic compounds do not. Many polymers such as rubbers and plastics are produced synthetically. Such growth can result in diversification of business risks. The blog, its authors and affiliates accept no responsibility for any accident, injury or damage caused in part or directly from following the information provided on this website.