4, No. For example, an air-launched missile is required to be interoperable with its delivery platform(s). SE is a primary source for addressing several of these planning elements. The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Spectrum Organization provides spectrum support and planning for DoD. Ensure system flexibility and agility in response to a dynamic threat and target environment. As such, the PM should maintain consistent awareness of its contribution to overall program and system risk, and should manage those aspects of the program. The Program Manager (PM) should incorporate a technology management strategy into design activities as a best practice to reduce DMSMS cost and readiness impacts throughout the life cycle. IEEE 15288.1 also adds requirements for SE outputs and the attributes (criteria) for each process. Assessment of software maturity and status of software trouble reports. Map modular open systems strategy and functional architecture to Statement of Work (SOW) requirements, Data Item Descriptions (DID) and Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) items consistently across the enterprise. 13 and CH 9– In addition to the general responsibilities identified in CH 3–2.5. This enables programs to ensure, as their system changes occur over time; they assess those changes for any potential to alter existing risk levels or to add hazards. Approving, funding, and staffing the SFR as planned in the Systems Engineering Plan (SEP) developed by the Systems Engineer. Conducting a review of the deliverables (what data, level of detail, data rights and when needed) and buying only what is needed in concert with should-cost goals. Systems Engineering in Defense Acquisition Program Models) are the points at which an increment of capability is reviewed for Limited Deployment. The Systems Engineer should contribute to the development of contract incentives and/or incentive approaches that promote an understanding of the technical risks and opportunities inherent in the selected development approach. These assessment results enable a better understanding of the health and maturity of the program, giving the Program Manager (PM) a sound technical basis upon which to make program decisions. Stakeholder Requirements Definition Process) into clear, achievable and verifiable requirements. DoDI 5000.02. Ensuring plans to get to FOC allow for contingencies. Configuration Management Process. Integration and CH 3–4.3.13. During TMRR, proprietary development and design can often lead to issues with intellectual property and associated data rights (see, Supporting the Configuration Steering Board in accordance with. The PESHE consists of the ESOH hazard data, hazardous materials management data and any additional ESOH compliance information required to support analyses at test, training, fielding and disposal sites. Often contracting activities may appear to be primarily programmatic in nature (e.g., acquisition strategy development, writing requests for proposal, performing market research, developing the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL)) but, in fact, they reflect technical planning and should be influenced by the desired technical content. Ensuring all interface are documented for the SoS and included in the performance specification. Consider any requirements to acquire rights to production and sustainment tooling and facilities, including processes required to use this equipment. Baseline also supports 10 USC 2366b certification, if applicable. It occurs in the Materiel Solution Analysis phase before a development contract is awarded. Support the Requirements Analysis process to establish and maintain a traceability matrix to document how the system requirements are intended to meet the stakeholder objectives and achieve stakeholder agreements. Ensuring parts management objectives are met. 822 paras (a) and (b))). Corrective action plans for issues identified in the PDR have been completed. Table 12 summarizes the concept of technical maturity points. Configuration Management Process for a description of baselines. Key Characteristics and Systems Engineering Considerations, Model 2: Defense Unique Software Intensive Program, Model 3:Incrementally Deployed Software Intensive Program(See also DoDI 5000.02, Enc 11, DoDI 5000.75, and DAG Chapter 6, "Acquiring IT & Business Systems). The interval of measure collections is routine and on a cycle to support timely evaluation of corrective action and enable statistical forecasting and the overall condition by observing the change of the measured attribute over time. The PM and SE should use TPM data as the basis of evidence to support entrance/exit criteria, incentives and direction given at technical reviews or milestone decisions. The allocated baseline for each lower-level system element (hardware and software) is usually established and put under configuration control at the system element Preliminary Design Review (PDR). SE efforts consist of data collection, assessment and corrective action cycles to maintain a system’s operational suitability and operational effectiveness. As part of the AoA, manufacturing risks should have been assessed for each of the competing alternatives (see the MRL Implementation Guide for one source of specific assessment factors). Identifying and analyzing the constraints that the technology and design and realization techniques impose on the design solution. The system CDR assesses the final design as captured in system performance specifications for the lower-level system elements; it further ensures that documentation for the detailed design correctly and completely captures each such specification. Programs should integrate ESOH and system safety activities by incorporating various functional disciplines such as system safety engineers, fire protection engineers, occupational health professionals and environmental engineers to identify hazards and mitigate risks through the SE process. Realization activities may include: The output of the Implementation process is the physical system elements as identified in the product baseline, including fabrication and production methods. Programs should continue to conduct assessment of the system and its hazards throughout the system life cycle to address system changes for any potential to alter existing risk levels (even for accepted ESOH risks) or to add hazards. The EMD phase includes technical assessment and control efforts to effectively manage risks and increase confidence in meeting system performance, schedule and cost goals. Define an approach to identify, analyze, mitigate, and monitor risks, issues and opportunities across the program. ), Informed advice to the developmental test and evaluation (DT&E) planning including Early Operational Assessments (EOAs) (See CH 8–4.1. Ensure verification of content, format, and quality of all required product-related data received from originators. The sustainability analysis, using a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method, is a tool to assist the Systems Engineer in designing more sustainable systems -- those that use fewer resources over the life cycle, have fewer impacts on human health and the environment and thus have a lower total ownership cost (TOC).