Mary is already at the park but her friend Bob needs to get there taking the shortest path possible. Triangulation can also be used in Forensic Investigations to find out the path of a shot bullet. His theorem states that that the square of the hypotenuse (c2) of a right triangle is equal to the two legs squared (a2 + b2). In case you can’t find a sample example, our professional writers are ready to help you with writing How to study smart instead of studying hard? The right triangle equation is a 2 + b 2 = c 2. Using the Pythagorean Theorem, you can find out how far the second baseman has to throw the ball to the catcher in order to get the ruller out before he slides into the home plate. Besides simple, it allows you to solve many different math problems. [caption id=”” align="aligncenter” width="600”]. Pythagorean Theorem is named after a Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras. The painter needs to determine how tall a ladder should be, as it will help to safely determine the distance at which the base needs to be placed away from the wall so that it won’t tip over. . This finds application in various architectural fields, mechanical labs, during the construction of roofs, etc. Geologists also use the Pythagorean Theorem to track earthquake activity. And these are just a few examples on how a simple little equation is used in everyday life, from bridges to triangulating seismic waves and their origins. The other way he can get there is by cutting through some open fields and walk directly to the park. NASA also uses this method to trace spacecrafts and sends a signal out to them which, in turn, bounces the signal back and triangulation uses these figures to calculate the spacecraft’s position. A builder will know whether they are working on a right track if the proper lengths of the strings are used during construction of the right angled triangle. Calculate the diagonal length of its screen for Mr. James. The Pythagorean Theorem shouldn’t be new to you. He is presently exploring all about the digital education with Byju’s-the Learning App. Cell phones can be traced using this triangulation method and also automobile navigation. You may have heard about Pythagoras’s theorem (or the Pythagorean Theorem) in your math class, but what you may fail to realize is that Pythagoras’s theorem is used often in real life situations. "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy", Don't use plagiarized sources. Will the computer fit into Mary’s cabin? The painter needs to determine how tall a ladder needs to be in order to safely place the base away from the wall so it won’t tip over. You must have heard about the theorem in your Math class every now and then. In this case the ladder itself will be the hypotenuse. There isn’t much known about Pythagoras but we do know that his work and very popular equation has helped us evolve slowly with our construction, aim and problem solving, of course. He loves writing and blogging along with part-time teaching. But many fail to realize that this theorem finds application in various real life situations. The theorem states that, given a right triangle with sides a, b and c, where c represents the hypotenuse (or longest side), the sum of the square of the two sides (a squared plus b squared) is always equal to c squared. To learn in depth about triangle, Pythagoras Theorem and related topics download BYJU’s – The Learning App and subscribe to their YouTube channel. All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order. You can calculate it using Pythagoras’ theorem: (3)2 + (2)2 = C2 9 + 4 = C2 √13 = C 3.6 m. = C Thus, the painter will need a ladder about 3.6 meters high. It can easily be applied to architecture and construction, such as with building homes that have a triangular-life roof tops or gables though it is only applied when it is with a 90 degree angle, of course, as the rule still applies. The workers will set out a triangle with these lengths to construct a square corner between the two walls. Pythagoras of Samos is a very odd fellow but is very well known despite not have written anything in his lifetime so what we know about him comes from Historians and Philosophers. Take for example a painter who has to paint a wall which is about 3m high. Surveyor looks through the telescope towards the measuring stick which is at a fixed distance; so that the telescope’s line of sight and the measuring stick form a right angle. For example, if you are in the middle of a desert and you want to navigate to a point which is 200 kilometers south and 300 kilometers east, you can use the theorem to find out how many degrees east of south you need to travel to reach your desired point. Gain a better understanding of the concept with these real-world examples. Blood spatter can also use the theorem as the calculations can determine the angle of impact, positions of victims throughout the scene of the crime and also where the assailant was. Though we know he was a Greek philosopher and mathematician mainly known for the Pythagorean Theorem that we all learned in 6th grade. The Pythagorean theorem is used often in construction, in engineering, in architecture, in design, in art and in aeronautics. Essay, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. When a triangulation is in a 90 degree angle, a certain location can be pinpointed.