I can never thank Aeneas enough, even if I offered my all. But her story is signified by the place, that the Muses of old, fittingly, called Canens, from the nymph’s name.” ’. unde tenet nomen: non silvas illa nec amnes, And staying on the woody toppe of mountayne Palatine, aeris et inflati conplevit murmure buxi Thy holy husband for to see, ensew mee to the queache Instead, he calls her the Sidonian woman. unde Canens dicta est: silvas et saxa movere Inarimen Prochytenque legit sterilique locatas The fates shall leave mee still my voyce for folke to know mee by. Ausonium, Libycas vento referuntur ad oras. A shepeherd of Appulia from that countrye scaard them furst. He could not see, he knockt his shinnes ageinst the rocks eche where. ulla priora sumus quam nos testantia gratos. velle sui populos, aut quos e gente suorum And with a little remnant of my people doo obteyne She was of rare beauty, but rarer her gift of song, so that she was called Canens. Both Plough and harrowe, and by teemes of Oxen sets no store: adsimulavit anum: cultosque intravit in hortos Hencefoorth thou shalt not neede to bee And by and by There, she poured out her words of grief, tearfully, in faint tones, in harmony with sadness, just as the swan sings once, in dying, its own funeral song. The clottred gobbets mixt with wyne, I thus surmysde: Like lot To buryall sadly through the towne was borne uppon a beere. Antiphates, the ruler of Lamos. postibus intendit posuitque in limine duro Then Capys and king Capetus. She said “Listen, Macareus, and learn, as well, how great is my mistress’s power: keep your mind on my words!” ’. The more beware, of many things which tyme by long delay Heere present by the mouth of mee, the thing that he would have. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Thou peerlesse perle of womanhod, most woorthy for to bee Unspotted of pure maydenhod in all the world this howre. Shee shonned them, the surer still shee was to have them there. et quod erit iussus, iubeas licet omnia, fiet. Elysiasque domos et regna novissima mundi My head and shoulders. The day will come that length of tyme shall make my body small, And sluggs by discontinuance, were commaunded yit agen Nor yit the sharp and boystous wyndes thy flowring Gardynes spill. Theyr bowwels and theyr limbes yit more than half alive did put, As soone as wee came thither, invadunt portasque petunt, quas obice firmo               780 moenia conduntur; Tatiusque patresque Sabini               775 Marvellous to say, the trees tore from their roots, the earth rumbled, the surrounding woods turned white, and the grass she sprinkled was wet with drops of blood. quo tibi sim gratus, meritumque fatebere nostrum. It is ynough that once he hathe alreadye seene the Realme proelia nec coniunx nimium tardantis Ulixis. In Book XIV of the Metamorphoses Ovid takes his epic for the first time into Italy and continues from book XIII his close intertextual engagement with Virgil's Aeneid. That tasted of the selfsame sawce, they shet mee in a Stye. They myght yit still resemble men. Almost all of the crew is transformed into white birds in retaliation. Everyday low … Shame it is to tell how scornfull shee did take A lady whom Venilia bare (so fame reporteth) on limitibus comites, et abest custodia regis. Now he would confess his sorry love to her nurse, asking her not to be hard on him, by the hopes she had for her darling. Through all her bones the flame of love the maree gan to frye. 290 rupibus incursat foedataque bracchia tabo               190 esse satis potero, praestem licet omnia, gratus. exspectatus erat: famuli populusque per omnes And by that goodly personage and lovely face of thyne, There was not to bee found perpetimur Danai cumulumque Capherea cladis, bracchia conpescit, fisso modo cortice virgam               630 From Wikisource < Metamorphoses (tr. pone, precor, fastus et amanti iungere, nymphe: vidit opes atavosque suos umbramque senilem hanc procul adspexi longo post tempore navem A hardened bill of horne did growe uppon his mouth and noze, Vouchsafe sum Godhead to bestowe, although it bee but small. And more than thou thyself beleevst) the common matches flee, And choose Vertumnus to thy make. Of Pluto utter pleasurelesse, and passed Styxis streame. 'eripiam: nec me patiente cremabit               540 The Ausonian Naiads, owned a spot, adjoining the temple of Janus, moistened by a cold spring. annua nos illic tenuit mora, multaque praesens Eche partie to augment theyr force by forreine succour wrought. Although shee heere mee, and doo hate us all (which thing is trew) And ever as they went, they sent theyr eyes parte datur; fert ecce avidas in pinea Turnus               530 And shortly after, shee His countnance did allure the nymphes that dwell vixque fuga quaesita salus comitique mihique, Neritiaeque ratis viderunt fragmina laetis On Ida mount, the moother of the Goddes, dame Cybel, filld My self to thee. nate dea, (neque enim finito Marte vocandus pluma fit, et fulvo cervix praecingitur auro,               395 perque dies multos latitans omnemque tremiscens dum tamen hanc sperat, dum praecorrumpere donis And to th'entent thou may And that from hencefoorth when to dye it ever be my lot But that he fitly and with ease will streyght becomme the same. If I disdeine, disdeine mee also thow. ille fugit, sed se solito velocius ipse But when the woorst is past of things, then feare is under foote. Then cast we lotts. Were only in herself, or that Dame Venus bearing ay Od. Soon he transforms into a tree, and the fruit of this wild olive tree is harsh like his words once were. Uppon his forehead, and did feyne a beldame for to bee, inguinibus truncis uteroque exstante coercet. That groweth greene on Quirins hill, whoose shadowes overreache She spoke, and pointed out to him a gleaming golden bough, in the woods of Proserpine, the Juno of Avernus, and ordered him to break it from the tree. Then Singer thought it not ynough to weepe and teare her heare, Since the ships were built with pine from Cybele’s sacred forest, she moves to save them. dignus eras ultro (poteras certeque) rogari,               30 Oft wisshing also I had there among the rest beene drownd. dicta placent paucis, numeri maioris amici neu dubites absitque tuae fiducia formae, navifragumque fretum, gemino quod litore pressum But now my more fruitful time has turned its back on me, and old age comes, with tottering step, that must be long endured. His bloody vittells at his mouth, and uttred out amayne There shalbee one whom thou shalt rayse above the starry skye. The shepherd mocked them, leaping wildly in imitation, and adding foul language, with coarse abuse. Hathe taught mee, I will shewe thee one which over all the land finitimosque lacus; spretis tamen omnibus unam A random side-story, an Apulian shepherd stumbles across many nymphs who flee. et levibus cannis latitantia semicaper Pan               515