It is pure indeterminateness and emptiness. As an example Hegel says that an official may hold an office for a variety of reasons—suitable connections, made an appearance on such and such occasion, and so forth. [43], Once these many Ones have been posited, the nature of their relationship begins to unfold. [88], The Difference of Reflection must be distinguished from the Otherness of Determinate Being. ‘Aphorisms from the wastebook’ [1803-6], Independent Journal of Philosophy 3, 1979, pp. So, from henceforth it cannot be said that they simply emerge within the Substrate of Indifference, but that this "substrate" itself is their very own living self-relation. However, if we then take the constant produced by the ratio of the two sides as a self-subsistent Something in its own right, that is, a Being-for-Self, then the two formerly entirely distinct Qualities become its own sublated moments, their very natures now seen to have been in fact derived from this relation of Measure in the first place. 9tJ���������uѪ^=�)�!f��oi��1�nt���+��9�΃t=� ���xe#(@4�2�%|��NW�P����U �9�&g�͇x�%��|k�3�����k���1��A:���O�������e�m���I!���(Qi�(Rm I have reproduced only Hegel's own paragraphs, and entirely omitted the Zusätze of the editors. When this ambitious new translation of Hegel's Encyclopedia came out' I took for granted that we English speakers would now know exactly what Hegel had to say in his shorter Logic. There is Nothing in it. Translated by George di Giovanni, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Yet they are held to be separate by this stage of thought and so the two terms are eternally stuck in an empty oscillation back and forth from one another. 0000009464 00000 n This page was last edited on 23 September 2020, at 13:36. The category of Identity itself, however, is not determined by whatever it is that it is applied to, but by its reflection off of Difference back into itself. This fact, that Quantum eternally repulses itself, yet equally eternally remains Quantum, demonstrates the (a) Notion of Quantitative Infinity, which is the self-related, affirmative opposition between Finitude and Infinity that lies within it. This absolute Identity rests on the absolute negativity that unites Essence with its Essentialities. Occasionally, the website mis-applies a block from a previous visitor. (c) Degree, (a) Existence Hegel wrote Science of Logic after he had completed his Phenomenology of Spirit and while he was in Nuremberg working at a secondary school and courting his fiancée. From the standpoint of the one One, then, there are no other Ones, that is, its relation to them is one of (a) Exclusion. The Difference Between Fichte's and Schelling's System of Philosophy (the ‘Differenzschrift’) [Jena 1801], tr. These Determinations of Reflection—formerly known as Determinate Beings when they were in the realm of Quality (see above)—therefore share in the nullity that undergirds them. However, in accordance with the measure relations developed so far, each of its moments are in reciprocal, quantitatively determined ratios with one another. Since any aspect may be externally selected to demonstrate the Likeness and Unlikeness of any two things, these terms really only refer, not intrinsically to their objects, but to themselves only and, as likewise self-referred, are indistinguishable from each other independent of their objects. ), So, similar to Becoming above, the Positive and the Negative immediately transition the one into the other: the Positive includes the Negative which immediately excludes the Positive; the resulting Negative however also includes the Positive which in turn excludes the Negative and so on ad infinitum. Hegel's Philosophy of Mind, translated by J. N. Findlay, Oxford Univ Press; ISBN 0198750145 Berne Fragments, 1793-4 (TE) "[3] The German word Hegel employed to denote this post-dualist form of consciousness was Begriff (traditionally translated either as Concept or Notion). [77], If we adopt the constant of one specific Real Measure as our Unit, the constants of other Real Measures can be brought into relation to it as Amounts in a (b) series of Measure relations. This particular Quality which distinguishes Quantum from any other Qualitatively Determined Being is in fact the total lack of explicit self-determinateness that differentiated Quantity from Quality in the first place. The two sides posit and negate each other simultaneously, and in doing so they no longer destroy each other, but preserve one another. At the same time, however, they completely exclude one another and in fact rely on this exclusion for their self-subsistence. Part II: The Doctrine of Essence (1813) “The World Spirit on horseback” in Hegel’s words. This is because the geoIP database shows your address is in the country of Germany. They cannot be cut off from each other, but either one can be foregrounded leaving the other present only implicitly. Science of Logic (SL; German: Wissenschaft der Logik, WdL), first published between 1812 and 1816, is the work in which Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel outlined his vision of logic.Hegel's logic is a system of dialectics, i.e., a dialectical metaphysics: it is a development of the principle that thought and being constitute a single and active unity. Harris 1977 Part III: The Philosophy of Mind, 1 Subjective Spirit  Ø Formerly, any single Number could simultaneously denote either an Amount or a Unit; now, it must serve exclusively as the one or the other in relation to another Number serving as the opposite.