Make sure to check them regularly as well. The fastest way just happens to involve your microwave. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Microwave them in 30-second sessions, turning the leaves over between each session. Detach the bay leaves gently from the trees. Watch the process, leaves can char or burn easily in the microwave. Place the leaves in a microwaveable container and replace the lid. If they are still dark green in spots or soft, they may need another 3 to 4 days or 1 full week to dry. Why does my basil, parsley, etc., spark and/or catch on fire after only a few seconds? Make sure the leaves aren’t exposed to direct sunlight because it will cause the leaves to wilt and brown. Remove their stems. Delicate leafy greens simply lose too much of their flavor when dried. If you have a lot of bay leaves, use another baking sheet. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. It is also among the safest and easiest methods of preserving foods for later use. You can tell that they are dry when they break and crumble when bent. Gently massage the leaves to remove any dust and debris then shake off as much of the water as possible and pat them dry with a paper towel. Give them ample space. Spread the bay leaves onto the paper towels. The room should also be properly ventilated. It is best to store dried herbs in air-tight containers, such as screw-top glass jars. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. This article has been viewed 86,997 times. Make sure that you don't over dry your herbs. Let them dry for one to four hours. Traditionally, herbs are hung to dry. Such tender leafy herbs just turn to vaguely flavored dust when dry. Typically, this will take 4 to 6 sessions (a total of 2 to 3 minutes microwaving time). Make sure the herbs are squeaky clean first. Drying herbs is a great way to extend the flavor of a bountiful crop. Methods for storing cilantro (fresh coriander), including how to dry it, can be found in the article. You can also store them in a glass bottle. Place the baking sheet in a warm, dry room that has plenty of ventilation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Time will vary with your microwave's power. Make sure the herbs are not touching or overlapping in any way to prevent uneven drying. (Literally, to cover the container with a thin layer.) Dried herbs are best used within a year. You can also reuse jars that previously held other spices and herbs. Place the leaves on paper towels and turn the microwave on to a medium setting for 2 to 3 minutes. If they are still dark green in spots or soft, they may need another 3 to 4 days or 1 full week to dry. Notice whether there is any remaining moisture left in the leaves. We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. Drying is actually the oldest method of food preservation. When stored properly, dried bay leaves will last for up to 1 year. Repeat until it does crumble easily. Allow time between each burst of microwaves and do not over-heat them. Let it sit out a minute for the last moisture to evaporate. Wash the herbs in cool water, swishing them around to remove any dirt or... Lay the cleaned herb leaves in a single layer on a microwaveable plate. Don't dry any strong scented herbs in your microwave, the scent/taste could transfer to other herbs so that they would lose their taste/scent. You can also do this with mint or sage leaves. Rinse the bay leaves under a cool, gentle stream of water. Discard the stem and store the whole leaves in a plastic zipper bag or airtight container. Place them on a paper towel. If you take the herbs out of the microwave they should feel crispy under your fingers. Drying thyme in the microwave. If it doesn't crumble easily, give it another 20 second burst. Repeat this step for four to six times or until the bay leaves have become brittle and dry. Use the microwave on high for 1minute and then in bursts of 30 seconds, moving the herbs around and checking dryness frequently. Put the dehydrator tray inside the food dehydrator. However, it is better to dry them individually. If you do store in the refrigerator, ensure that no moisture can get into the container, or the dried herbs will soften and probably grow mildew. Start with one minute, then do additional (probably 3 or 4) 20-30 second bursts until the basil seems dry. Microwave them in … How to Make Flavored Herbal Oils for Cooking, How to Dry Herbs: Four Techniques You Should Know, How to Convert Fresh to Dried Herb Measurements, How to Make Your Own Herbes de Provence Blend, Pan-Seared Turkey Breast With Lemon and Herbs, The Easiest Way to Harvest and Preserve Fresh Grape Leaves. Arrange the herbs on dehydrator trays in a single layer. Place them in the microwave and let them dry for … I want to dry large amount of coriander - tell me what to do. [2] … Strip the leaves away from the stems and store them in an airtight container. To dry bay leaves in the oven, simply follow these steps: Drying bay leaves in a microwave oven is recommended if you only have a few pieces to dry. In today's world, poor digesti, Happy World Pasta Day everyone! All it takes is two very simple steps to dry herbs in the microwave: When it comes to drying, not all herbs are created equal. Fresh bay leaves have a lighter, more floral flavor, and they keep for weeks in the fridge. You can store your bay leaves whole. How to dry your own bay leaves – take the nice looking leaves off the branches – quickly rinse them with some cold water & dry them quickly – place them in a dry place on a flat surface on a piece of clean … References Turn on the microwave and blast the thyme leaves … Notice whether there is any remaining moisture left in the leaves. If it doesn't crumble easily, give it another 20 second burst. Pre-heat the food dehydrator to 95ºF to 115ºF or 35ºC to 46ºC. Wash the herbs in cool water, swishing them around to remove any dirt or dust from the leaves. It lets you have a steady supply of this spice. If you do not have time to blanch, you should rinse the bay leaves under running water to remove any dust or dirt. I was doing thyme, so could have used a little more info, "I had no knowledge about how to preserve the herbs that I grew in my garden this year, so the step-by-step, "Just dried cilantro; it came out perfect!". Air-drying bay leaves is the best way to preserve their fragrant and flavorful essential oils, but this takes approximately 15 days, you can also use a dehydrator to shorten the time. After drying the bay leaves, you have to store them in an airtight container and keep them in a cool, dark place so they can retain their aroma and flavor. You will know they have completed drying when they begin to curl or crumble and the stems start to split. Here are the step-by-step instructions for this method: SEE ALSO: How to Dehydrate Food Successfully: A Beginner’s Guide. Remove any withered or dead leaves.