The Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School is a critique of capitalism, its appropriation of the surplus value of the collective, and its commoditification of every aspect of our modern society. The Facts can Change. The truth is the truth, they say! The theory of multiple intelligences, developed by Howard Gardner, posits that humans can possess eight different types of intelligence: musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. In what ways does critical thinking truly benefit us? 1. Defining the Critical Theory. From its inception, public education has been called on to transmit core knowledge and cultural values, provide custodial care, and prepare students for life after school, the most important aspect of which is critical and creative thinking for problem solving and decision making. Motivation is a force used within the educational system to encourage student learning and understanding. Use this information in your essay to show your depth of knowledge about pragmatism and grow your grades. Though this list can be expanded considerably, we believe these 10 merits are among the most significant. Critical theories are not without their critics. To emancipate people on all three levels of oppression, individuals must engage in a critique of the personal, situational, and historical forces which cause oppression. In general theories of learning help teachers in many ways while developing the curriculum, these theories help teachers in Grade placement for objectives which are educationally attainable, Tyler (1949), use educational psychology to filter/screen the curriculum objectives before it is used in planning of the curriculum, suggestion of time i.e. Some people (like Idealists and Absolutists) believe that the facts never change. Multiple Intelligences . In the educational setting, motivation is either an internal force or external force. Critical theory focuses on the oppression of the individual, the group, and society by self-imposed or externally imposed influences. Perhaps the major criticism of them is that they fail to provide rational standards by which they can justify themselves, by which they can show themselves to be "better" than other theories of knowledge, science, or practice. As you can see, today’s classrooms do not solely utilize one learning theory over another, but instead incorporate multiple theories throughout the learning experience. 1. Here is the deeper information about the theory of pragmatism for education. Each theory has strengths and limitations, especially considering the realities of education in the 21st century. These eight types of intelligence represent the varied ways individuals process information. Key Ideas in Pragmatic Education Theory. 9.8 PROBLEMS WITH CRITICAL THEORIES OF EDUCATION. It Encourages Curiosity.