If you have a passionate topic and would love to share, click here to learn how to build your own profitable website! In fact, there are benefits to growing herbs alongside vegetables. An opportunity to try other herbs. Hence, you get to reuse the mason jar to start the growing cycle again. The 3 herb seeds provided may not be your favourite, however, you can easily buy yours on Amazon. Try it out and as you get to know the steps better, you may consider growing your own without using the kit. It is wise to start with a small and affordable set. Glad you found your ideal indoor herb garden kit. Especially basil, rosemary and mint. PRODUCT OF USA - Our garden seeds are sustainable sourced in the USA. I don’t know what the coconut cor does for the herbs, but I know I have a coconut filter water bottle I use that infuses my water with nutrients, so it must be pretty good for plants too. After reading your article I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I would use the square planters option on the windowsills of the home – I have rather large window areas around our house! Different from other herb kits, this provides the germination bags. Grow fresh, NON-GMO HERBS right at home! If you choose to buy this, you will notice the beautiful smell of the wood when you open the box. Type of pots. The interesting thing is it’s easy to grow an herb garden indoors. Click here to check out my grow lights review – from the most economical unit to the costlier version. Do not crowd the pots too closely together. Initially, I was a little bit confused by the term herb kit and starter kit. For green thumbs and black thumbs alike – NO GARDENING SKILLS REQUIRED! More options for you. Make sure not to over water though. Seeds and Starter Plants Some herbs have unreliable germination rates, so you may want to use starter plants (established plants from a garden nursery) for indoor growing, or, sow more seeds than you hope to end up with. My thumb is anything but green, so the easier the better. By thinning out the seedlings, you will be giving the others plenty of room to grow! But it is good to know that these peat pots can eventually be placed directly into the potting soil during transplant. So do you. Don’t you think so? Additionally, it includes more than 30 recipes and flavour charts that list the best herbs to pair with popular ingredients. Choose the one with your favourite herbs included. The purpose of the bag is to create and maintain an ideal germination environment. Hope this piece of information will help you when the time comes if it occurs. Let’s get growing! There are instances where I forgot which seed I planted in the pot when dealing with a variety of them. Sage is a great herb for cooking with and easy to grow. Click the play button to begin watching the video. Sharing my findings here hoping that it will help you make a better decision in buying yours. Now that you know there are various kits on indoor garden herbs for beginners to start off with, do not let the “don’t know how” or “too troublesome to buy all the supplies” stop you from growing your own herbs indoors. That covers our lesson on herbs you can grow indoors. This top-notch indoor herb garden comes with seed pods for Genovese basil, Thai basil, curly parsley, dill, thyme, and mint. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In fact, I experienced the same too while growing mine. Herb gardening indoors is a homesteading skill that will help provide you with fresh herbs all year long! Mold has been the reason for me giving up on the whole thing. Nice to see you here again. Parsley – Parsley can be grown from seeds. Beginner or not, it will be a good family project to work on. Every time I try to grow stuff indoors I get the dreaded mold and, like you, my tendency has been to dump the pot. Our collection of starter seeds are great and include planting instructions and plant markers for each herb. And mint near cabbage deters white cabbage moth. That said you can still grow Sage from seeds. So, when selecting your herb garden kit, look at the. Once you get to experience the whole growing process and decide which herbs you like, you may then proceed to buy the supplies separately to grow your herbs indoors. Hope this helps. Easily done with the herb garden starter kit. Meaning there are chances that you will be getting your favourite herbs. Then, you will have to transplant them into a bigger pot. I am glad this article has given you the information needed and helped you to quickly decide which one to buy. BTW, I’d like to try to grow some Turmeric. There you have it. There are loads of sage varieties to choose from, including some with coloured leaves. I have not got green fingers but with the information you have written down it looks so easy to follow:) No matter what your decision is, you must check this out. Remember to look out for this when you are searching for yours. You can search under ‘herb plant lives’. I’ve not had much luck growing herbs outdoors. You don’t want to suffocate a growing plant, do you? ★ HERB GARDEN SEEDS ARE OFTEN A DISAPPOINTMENT when they show up on your doorstep, with SEEDS MISSING from the package and cheap, LOW-QUALITY SEED MARKERS. The pots are approximately 3 inches in diameter, adequate for many seeds to sprout. Non GMO also. Wish me luck! Yes, pre-planted options are available on Amazon. I eat healthy, salads, veggies, and I am always buying herbs which literally costs a fortune at the market..  To have fresh herbs on hand is what I’ve been so thinking about, but honestly, I never really had the ambition. i think the one I’ll try first is Nature’s Blossom Starter kit. The seeds are 100% organic and Non-GMO, open-pollinated and naturally grown in the USA. Thyme – Thyme is hard to grow from seeds and it is best to buy plants already started. Growing herbs in containers, pots, or getting into hydroponic herb gardening (without soil), herb cultivation is fascinating and rewarding. You can write the names of the herbs you are planting and in time to come, easily erase it to use for another herb. Food just hasn’t been the same since you dined at a friend’s house and saw she had a herb garden growing in her kitchen. Whether you decide to begin with seeds or from plants it’s important for you to know a few gardening tips necessary to keep your herb garden happy. Click here if you want to learn more about herbs. There is no hassle in searching for the supplies separately. Thanks for your detailed information, I like the look of the mason jar grow your own herbs set. GREAT GIFT FOR GARDENERS - CHEFS - SURVIVALIST - What else is better than giving a gardener a bag full of seeds to have a bountiful garden or for those that are like to be prepared for emergencies. In an effort to be completely transparent. During her free hours, she loves sharing her passion for herbs and spices. Hope it will help you get started. Know anywhere I can get seed or root from? Each variety pack is BURSTING WITH FLAVOR – add them to your favorite dishes and sauces for a true FARM-TO-TABLE cooking experience. Most of the Herbs Starter Kits are pretty straightforward to use. Required fields are marked *. Get interesting & healthy ways to use your Herbs & Spices right in your inbox! Furthermore, this is an impressive and unique gift for someone special. Read more about my affiliate relationship here. Thyme leaves can be cut fresh and use to season or dry. Learning how much water and when to water? It puts a major crimp in my indoor growing thing. It may be a hassle having to transplant them at a later stage but for the love of gardening and fresh herbs, I ain’t gonna complain. Otherwise growing Rosemary is easy and the leaves can be harvested as needed.