As a result of this, natural minerals get removed from the water. This document summarizes EPA's drinking water regulations and health advisories, as well as reference dose (RFD) and cancer risk values, for drinking water contaminants. EPA updates … The Saskatchewan Drinking Water Standards and Objectives recommend that the pH of drinking water … consumption of water with low levels of minerals is safe. In this scenario, it is vital to implement proper purification processes to eliminate all the contaminants and ensure that the water is absolutely safe for drinking purposes. There is no problem drinking 100 TDSwater … The water treated to less than 100 TDS is unhealthy as it's deprived of salts and minerals. So it's best to formulate and enhance the quality with a known mineral … Concentrations of TDS from natural sources have been found to vary from less than 30 Established Drinking Water Standards A review was conducted of the United States, Canadian, World Health Organization (WHO) and European Community (EC) drinking water standards. The primary hazardous components present in the water are TDS or Total Dissolved Solids. Like TDS, pH is given an aesthetic objective in Canada. The Canadian Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality suggest that the pH of drinking water should be between 7.0 and 10.5. None have minimum limits or optimum levels of total dissolved solids.