Worked hard not to overcount, as many individuals were actively flycatching and circling around the park. Pileated Woodpecker. Decent diversity confirmed around the park, but it is likely some other species slipped by. Good looks at all birds as they flitted through the trees and foraged, Details: Tricky conditions for identification during the bulk of the flight, which passed overhead right around sunrise. All encountered in different area of the park, some flyovers, Details: But one individual, heard in the trees north of the pool, Details: Conservative count of birds in morning flight, with some stopovers in the park. Hiding a checklist will exclude the taxa on it from all forms of eBird output that show a location (including bar charts, maps, and arrival/departure tables), but the observation will still be accessible to you, and will appear on your lists. Hiding a checklist will exclude the taxa on it from all forms of eBird output that show a location (including bar charts, maps, and arrival/departure tables), but the observation will still be accessible to you, and will appear on your lists. Are you submitting a complete checklist of the birds you were able to identify? Most seen foraging with mixed flocks, a few flyovers, Details: High count, good number of arrivals following an active night of migration. Coccyzus americanus Yellow-Billed Cuckoos have a primal-sounding, croaking call that they often give in response to loud noises. White Ibis. Many foraging birds seen throughout the park, several westbound flyovers, Details: One at the main lawn, another in the northwestern corner, Details: A single bird, pausing in the treetops before continuing west, Details: High count resulting from big influx of migrants, all seen and heard well. Join Today. One westbound flyover in morning flight, another foraging in the trees at the northwest corner, Details: High count, noteworthy influx of birds. Juvenile / Unknown: Brownish above, and yellowish-brown below, with distinct buffy wing bars; rectrices already with distinct large white spots: ... Magnolia Warbler Bay-breasted Warbler Blackburnian Warbler Yellow Warbler Chestnut-sided Warbler Blackpoll Warbler Black-throated Blue Warbler Palm Warbler The bulk of the birds passed through between 6:45-7:30, but flyovers were observed continuing throughout the day, Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 2.2.4. May 15, 2020, Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. Found throughout the area mixed in with other sparrows in large feeding flocks, notably at the pool construction zone and the northwest corner, Details: Single individuals scattered around. Almost all movement east to west, towards Randall’s Island and Manhattan. "The folds of rock are related to the churning tectonic activity that gave rise to the earth's mantle hundreds of millions of year ago." One of the interesting yet unadvertised sites in Newfoundland is the folded rocks near Port aux Port. Plenty of distant, silent, briefly seen birds. Two adult males with bold black wings seen. One flock of three individuals encountered at the main lawn, plus a pair by the butterfly garden. Possibly more, Details: First at 7:08, then at 7:34. A few flyovers, most foraging in the trees, Details: Heard distinctive “eek” calls, one male seen well as it flew across the main lawn, Details: Calling southbound flyover, fairly low, Details: Generally westbound morning flight, mostly right at daybreak but continuing throughout the observation period. Their tendency to call at the sound of thunder has led to their colloquial name, the “rain crow.” source -, Juvenile, June 2018, Lavon Lake, Collin Co. Scruffy or fuzzy looking, but has all of the features of adult plumage, including the two dark breast bands and orangish eye-ring. For scale I am about 6 feet tall. Magnolia warbler Lowell Washburn, Special to the Globe Gazette ... During the fall migration, things get even tougher as those same species arrive in their comparatively nondescript juvenile … Overly conservative count, Details: High count, new arrivals with this morning’s flight. Harlequin Duck with two females and Longtails. Most birds were westbound, but many paused to feed in the trees. In 1810, Alexander Wilson collected a warbler from a magnolia tree in Mississippi, giving it the English name "Black-and-yellow Warbler" and "magnolia" for the scientific species name, which became the common name over time. You have to ask locals exactly where they are and how to get to them but it is worth the effort. It will be considered not public in the eBird database since we cannot approve bird records without accurate location information. Spinus tristis American Goldfinches breed later than most North American birds. Distinctive flight call helped with detection, cool gray and green plumage with bright eyering and yellow wingbars distinctive, Details: Still abundant throughout the area, quite vocal and active. Only warbler of the day. Only one or two other individuals seen elsewhere in the park later, Details: All confirmed by distinctive, Spring Peeper-like flight calls. Cooper’s Hawk devouring a Mallard. Baltimore oriole - icterus galbulaicterus galbulaBaltimore oriole, Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família, Cardellina canadensis rondeau provincial park, Chatham-KentOntarioCanadaCAPlectrophenax nivalis.snow buntingbunting, Eremophila alpestris Plectrophenax nivalis, Melanerpes erythrocephalus red-headed woodpecker, nature caterpillar "tiger swallowtail" "rondeau provincial park", Pheucticus ludovicianus .rose-breasted grosbeak, Picoides woodpecker, Quiscalus quisculacommon gracklecornwallontariobirdric mcarthurrick mcarthurrondeau ric. Good numbers observed foraging throughout the area as well as flying over, headed west, Details: Scattered individuals, some quite cooperative and low down in the ornamental trees, Details: Two together north of the main lawn, a third at the northwestern corner, Details: Definitely some birds on the move today, largely headed south. Setophaga magnolia. Keep an eye on this tree as the season progresses, Details: Several vocal birds scattered around the park, at least one westbound flyover, Details: All heard vocalizing, one briefly seen, Details: New arrivals, one in the dense grass at the pool construction area and another under the Hell Gate Bridge by the butterfly garden, Details: A large flock dropped into the park with flickers and White-throated Sparrows at daybreak, some hanging around the lawn area. Magnolia Warbler. Click here to visit this species' account and breeding-season distribution map in Sound to Sage , Seattle Audubon's on-line breeding bird atlas of Island, King, Kitsap, and Kittitas Counties. Astoria Park, Queens County, New York, US on Sat Oct 03, 2020, Astoria Park, Queens County, New York, US, Another location near Astoria Park, Queens County, New York, US on Sat Oct 03, 2020, Another location near Astoria Park, Queens County, New York, US, Details: Four southbound flyovers, also heard honking over the river, Details: Distant flyby over the East River, seen mostly from behind. Although we understand that some checklists need to be excluded from eBird's public output due to privacy concerns or other issues, we strongly recommend against this unless absolutely necessary. Your support helps secure a future for birds at risk. Small Finlets On Owl Feathers Point The Way To Less Aircraft Noise Getting late, Details: Dominant warbler in the morning flight push, certainly many more went by unconfirmed. Yes, Strong morning flight following a night of favorable winds. General Description. The same day that I got great looks at a cooperative Magnolia Warbler I also managed to spend some time studying and digiscoping a very confiding juvenile Blackpoll Warbler in the same general area. One by the pool, one by the yew, another at the butterfly garden, Details: Mostly concentrated in the tall grass at the pool construction zone, a few other stray individuals, Details: Female at the pool construction zone, with other sparrows in the thick grass, Details: Unidentified birds in morning flight, Details: One flyover confirmed, another foraging at the north end, Details: High count associated with strong overnight migration, all seen and heard well while feeding in the trees.