How many cards are in a Magic: The Gathering deck? Getting the correct land ratio is difficult. Krark - Two Thumbs Way Up! MTG Deck Builder Advanced Search Add Deck Paste ... Cards for every deck / deck building template by King_Ramses. Deck Building (Spell and Mana Ratios) One of most important things to consider as you are deck building (and drafting) is your deck strategy. (Primer soon) by Stalkton. what is a good mana-to-everything else ratio. To do this well you must consider the type of deck you are creating and what ratio of creatures to noncreatures, mana base, and mana curve best supports that type. Of course I'm building a deck! (20 lands, 20 creatures, 20 spells). Having the proper amount of land in your Magic the Gathering play deck can greatly help to prevent problems with not ... but having a proper land to card ratio for your Magic deck will be a major factor in limiting those mana problems. Around half my spells are counterspells and the goal of my deck is to knock out my opponent with creatures they can't block, yet I can block them. There are four primary strategies in Magic. It takes time and effort to find the right cards that go well together. The first thing you need to decide is which format you’re building a deck for. The problem is that building deck is hard. It should reflect your personality. Building Your First Magic: The Gathering Deck In 6 Simple Steps. This will determine which sets you can use as well as the minimum size of the deck too. Currently I have a blue flying-shadow deck with a 1:1:1 ratio of lands to creatures to spells. One of the most compelling aspects of the game is the sheer number of interesting cards and combos available, and ways in which they can be played together to create a personalised expression. I'm making a magic the gathering deck to play with at school, but I think my ratios may be off. That deck should reflect your play style. Dargo's Wrecking Ur Ship by Swim_ish. It should win games. Of course, you’ll be familiar with the most popular Magic: The Gathering formats from our useful guide here. its gonna be a deck of 60 Playtesting the deck with proxy made-up cards isn’t fun. The piece of advice is simple: you're building a deck, not just a pile of cards. How Many Lands to Put in Your MTG Deck (Magic the Gathering) Land selection is a topic that MTG players have argued for ages! im building an elf deck. (Thanks, rule 401.1!) EDH 3 / 0 . you may ask. What do you mean? But is it a deck or … It covers most of what you need to consider when building a deck. Some say it is an exact science and that you must run X … Well, yes, you're bringing 60 cards to the table for your deck, which will become your library. EDH 3 / 1 . Magic: The Gathering has been around for years, chances are you know someone who either plays Magic or has played the it.