John Vickers, MD Ob/Gyn. The second edition of the comprehensive and award-winning text on prenatal and postnatal care. Dowswell et a. • Reduced prenatal care model (4-9 visits) vs. standard care (13- 15 visits) • >60,000 low-risk women, spectrum of resource settings. The updated edition of Prenatal and Postnatal Care offers a comprehensive text for the care of the woman during the childbearing year. Methodology The study was a mixed methods design that used questionnaire and in-depth interviews. Ob/Gyn, Park Nicollet Health Services Work Group Members Family HealthServices . The quantitative and qualitative components were implemented sequentially. Alternative versus standard packages of antenatal care for low-risk pregnancy. But even before planning a pregnancy, it is important that couples should consult with the doctor, in order to avoid any complications in the future. Group and Regions Hospital Lori Cleland, CNP Family Medicine. Articulation of prenatal care nursing practice; Description, retrieval, comparison, and reuse of data to evaluate quality of nursing care and to direct policy. We will calculate your due date. Schedule a prenatal visit as soon as you think that you are pregnant. Mayo Clinic Elizabeth … Pregnant women are the population addressed in this project. Frequently we will also perform an ultrasound to confirm your due date. This reduces the risks in your pregnancy and at the time of labor. Your weight and blood pressure will be taken. The prenatal period is the time between conception and onset of labour (Davidson et al. The study was carried out in one of the tertiary hospitals in Delta State, Nigeria, from January to April 2015. Each pregnancy is unique, but in general you will be seen every four weeks until you reach 28 weeks. Lancet 2001;357:1565-70 . The clients for prenatal nursing care include pregnant women and families. We will obtain a thorough medical history. You will then have appointments every two weeks until 36 weeks. Is it safe to do fewer visits? PRENATAL CARE FIRST VISIT Your first OB visit is very important. Your doctor will want to see you every 4 to 6 weeks for the first 6 months of pregnancy. A pap smear is done if needed. Carroliet al. WHO systematic review of randomized controlled trials of routine antenatal care. The expert author team presents information needed to master … Schedule of prenatal care How often will I see my provider? Dale Akkerman, MD . E-BOOK DESCRIPTION. Prenatal care from the moment you realize that you are pregnant, a woman must start taking extra care of her body. A urinalysis and urine culture will be performed. Georgeanne Croft, CNM Nurse Midwifery . The remaining visits are usually 10 to 15 minutes. 2012). Minnesota Carol Stark, MD. The first visit is usually the longest. You should allow 45 minutes. Family Medicine HealthPartners Medical . Fifteenth Edition/July 2012 Work Group Leader. Prenatal Care. After this, you will be seen every week. utilization of maternal and prenatal care in Nigeria. Prenatal and Postnatal Care 2nd Edition PDF : A Woman-Centered Approach. These visits help you have a healthy pregnancy and can help find problems before they become serious for you or your baby. Routine Prenatal Care . Dating by certain last menstrual period and/or an … Prenatal Care Prenatal care is the health care you get while pregnant.