Timeline. Bitte den Hinweis zur geltenden Fassung von Rechtsakten der Europäischen Union beachten! According to Article 74(2) PSD2, the liability for an unauthorized payment transaction is shifted to the payee or the PSP of the payee that failed to accept SCA. Article 97(1 & 2) of PSD2 states that: Member States shall ensure that a payment service provider applies strong customer authentication where the payer: (a) accesses its payment account online; (b) initiates an electronic payment transaction; (c) carries out any action through a remote channel which may imply a risk of payment fraud or other abuses. This section contains information of unclear or questionable importance or relevance to the article's subject matter. November 2009 Fundstelle: ABl. PSD2, Article 97.1. The Payment Services Regulations 2017 implemented the Directive into national law effective from 13 January 2018. Article 97 PSD2 has been implemented in the UK through the PSRs 2017 and regulation 100 in particular. L 319 vom 5. Richtlinie 97/5/EG: In nationales Recht umzusetzen bis: 1. If importance cannot be established, the section is likely to be moved to another article, pseudo-redirected, or removed. Article 74(2) PSD2 on the other hand makes SCA optional for payees and PSPs of payees, but with a liability shift. To find out how PSD2 affects your business, use the PSD2 Navigator. Article 97 of PSD2 states that payment service provider needs to apply strong customer authentication when the payer: (a) accesses its payment account online; (b) initiates an electronic payment transaction; (c) carries out any action through a remote channel which may imply a risk of payment fraud or other abuses. Dezember 2007, S. 1–36 Volltext Konsolidierte Fassung (nicht amtlich) Grundfassung: Regelung ist außer Kraft getreten. There are some very slight differences of wording, for example, the PSRs 2017 refer to "payment service user" rather than "payer", but these do not affect the substantive aspects of the requirements, rather they make them clearer and more accurate. Please help improve this section by clarifying or removing indiscriminate details. The first of the three cases is to do with protection of online banking and the second covers any electronic payment, including purchase at a point of sale, mobile banking, payment via a third party provider and a batch of corporate payments, but oddly not setup of a direct debit, as these are “in theory” initiated by the payee. PSD2 governs the authorisation and prudential requirements for payment institutions and sets the conduct of business requirements for providing payment services. The Payment Services Directive (PSD2), introduces new rules on how the payment services are going to be governed. Article 97(1) PSD2 provides that Member States shall ensure that a PSP applies SCA in certain circumstances.