The composition and detailed Alaap and the Taans are given. Enjoy the raga! Kalyan scale is the basis of Yaman. Watch this video to learn important exercises that will get you on the path to playing Yaman. In Indian classical music The composition is divided in two parts : Sthayi and Anthara. Rag Yaman 1. Yaman is a common raga that uses a pentatonic scale. RaagYaman played on flute by Pandit Pannalal Ghosh - YouTube Bansuri Lessons Learn murkis in Kalyan Scale. The composition and detailed Alaap and the Taans are given. Alaaps are systematic improvisation of the raga.. Usually we begin with lower octave notes in aalap and one after the other we introduce the new notes progressively in the octave. Raga Yaman is a beautiful raga and even more beautiful when played in Bansuri flute. Flute - Notations A Blog for bansuri notation (Indian Flute) Saturday, 27 September 2014. In Indian classical music The composition is divided in two parts : Sthayi and Anthara. A composition in raga Yaman which is composed in Dadra taal ( 6 beats ) is given here. Each are accompanied with the Flute audio. Arohi: NRGMDNS Avarohi: SNDPMGRS Time = Evening. The alaap given below is very helpful in learning Bansuri basics and to learn the art of improvisation of the ragas in bansuri flute. Each are accompanied with the Flute audio. Note that the Ma is Teevra Ma (sharp 4th). A composition in raga Yaman which is composed in Dadra taal ( 6 beats ) is given here. Rag Yaman Notations.