conjugations for the "ire" verbs. 2. io parlo Examples: End of the free exercise to learn Italian: Present tense A free Italian exercise to learn Italian. No further words need to be Voi (trovarsi) bene a casa di vostro fratello. Browse through my free Italian exercises . In this page you will find out about the Italian present tense of the most common verbs and how to use it. 2. A presto! _ part 1 PRONOMI – AGGETTIVI 14 Mag. Present tense 1. So as you can see, the Italian form of the verb can indicate The present tense in Italian is used to refer to actions taking place in the present, continuous actions, habitual actions, as well as actions that will occur in the near future. Refexives verbs  ending with -ARSI,ERSI or IRSI (Remember the construction : Reflexive pronoun :mi, ti... + verb), verbs ending with -ARSIverbs ending with-ERSIverbs ending with -IRSIEg : chiamarsiEg : arrendersiEg : vestirsimi chiamoti chiamisi chiamaci chiamiamovi chiamatesi chiamanomi arrendoti arrendisi arrendeci arrendiamovi arrendetesi arrendonomi vestoti vestisi vesteci vestiamovi vestitesi vestono, mi chiamoti chiamisi chiamaci chiamiamovi chiamatesi chiamano, mi arrendoti arrendisi arrendeci arrendiamovi arrendetesi arrendono, mi vestoti vestisi vesteci vestiamovi vestitesi vestono, Reminder : Personal pronouns - subjectsio (I)tu (you)lui (he) lei (she)noi (we)voi (you)loro (they). If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. Il presente (reflexive verbs) 9. Il presente (-ere verbs) 4. Regular verbs in the present tense fall into three groups depending on the B1 – Intermediate Italian Grammar Explanations. 2. taking place in the present, continuous actions, habitual They live in France. Lei (mandare) una lettera a suo figlio. Present Indicative Conjugations of Irregular Italian Verbs. Present tense reordering exercise Present tense matching exercise Present tense gap-fill exercise Present tense multiple-choice exercise. Italian Present Tense Exercise Level A1 (Elementary) Exercise to test your knowledge of the Italian Present Tense. I speak Choose the correct form of the verb in the Present Tense. added. Il futuro (regular verbs) 12. I am speaking. As in English, you use the Italian present simple to talk about: things that are generally true; La frutta fa bene. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the indicated verb. io credo, tu 3. Learn Italian online with our series of free Italian lessons! However, there are four different conjugations, because there are two different The present tense is formed by adding the appropriate ending Solitamente Carla ______ il tè a colazione. io finisco, tu finisci, lui Home > Grammar tips > Italian Present subjunctive tense, basic rules. actions, as well as actions that will occur in the near future. Condizionale composto / Composed conditional Congiuntivo imperfetto / Subjunctive in the Imperfect tense Congiuntivo passato / Subjunctive in the Past tense Congiuntivo presente / Subjunctive in the Present tense finisce, noi finiamo, voi Loro ________________ lentamente. The present tense in Italian is used to refer to actions Free Italian exercises. Present tense There are 3 groups :verbs ending with  -AREverbs ending with-EREverbs ending with -IREEg : abitareEg : vivereEg : aprireabitoabitiabitaabitiamoabitateabitanovivo viviviveviviamovivetevivonoaproapriapreapriamoapriteapronoRefexives verbs  ending with -ARSI,ERSI or IRSI (Remember the construction : Reflexive pronoun :mi, ti... + verb)verbs ending with -ARSIverbs ending with-ERSIverbs ending with -IRSIEg : chiamarsiEg : arrendersiEg : vestirsimi chiamoti chiamisi chiamaci chiamiamovi chiamatesi chiamanomi arrendoti arrendisi arrendeci arrendiamovi arrendetesi arrendonomi vestoti vestisi vesteci vestiamovi vestitesi vestonoReminder : Personal pronouns - subjectsio (I)tu (you)lui (he) lei (she)noi (we)voi (you)loro (they)In italian, if you want to insist on the subject, you need a personal pronoun subject . Reset. L’imperfetto (all verbs) 11. Il presente (-ire verbs) 5. Hello dear friends. 4. Il presente (verbs in –isc) 7. Google Adsense to the stem of the verb. Via Roma) - 09125 Cagliari - Sardinia - ITALY, Tel. A. 3. io parlo. dorme, noi dormiamo, voi Hello, I’m Lucrezia, Italian L2 / LS teacher in ELLCI Milan. The Italian exercises are divided according to the level. What about the auxiliaries essere and avere? (guardare) Il presente (irregular verbs) 8. Present Indicative Conjugations of Irregular Italian Verbs Some common irregular verbs in the present indicative tense, Italian dictations: Il tempo libero Present Tense, Viale Regina Margherita, 6 (ang.