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"; var i; var cr = 0; } null; if (quest_time_str2.length == 1) quest_time_str2 = '0'+quest_time_str2; jq_getObj('jq_time_tick_container').innerHTML = mes_time_is_up; switch (task) { if (quest_timer_min < 0) { quest_timer_min = quest_timer_min*(-1); } break; setTimeout("jq_releaseBlock()", 1000); var allow_attempt = 0; user_unique_id = req_user_unique_id; if (qform == 1) { window.location.href = redirect_url; We use relative clauses to give additional information about something without starting another sentence. case '10': var drag_array = new Array(kol_drag_elems); } First, it means that a, country’s economy may rely on an industry which is wholly seasonal, with, the consequence that the huge numbers of people work in tourism during the, season have no income during the rest of the year. Improve your IELTS skills with tips, model answers, lessons, free books, and more.It offers you free IELTS Materials, Books, Tips, Sample Answers, Advice, Interactive Forum, etc. His relationship with the girl’s mother, (7)………. var is_allow_attempt = 0; task_container = '' + task_container + ''; quiz_cont.innerHTML = '
'; Please check that the number of blanks is equal to the number answer options'; ✓ It was the money (that) I wanted, not the fame. alert('Define User Surname, please! } jq_UpdateTaskDiv('next_last', skip_question); } http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); var plus_sec = timer_sec_tmp - (timer_min*60); Complete the article at the top of the page opposite with an appropriate relative pronoun or adverb (if necessary) and a phrase from the box. if ( (questions[n].ids_in_cont[i] > 0) && (questions[n].ids_in_cont[i] <= questions[n].kol_drag_elems) ) { case '5': By clicking "Accept & Close", you agree to our use of cookies. break; quiz_count_quests = response.getElementsByTagName('quiz_count_quests')[0].firstChild.data; ), Heskey passed the ball to Owen, who scored a magnificent goal. Bad officials are elected by good return false; if (!http_request) { setTimeout("jq_releaseBlock()", 1000); try{ ScrollToElement(jq_getObj('quest_div'+questions[n].cur_quest_id));} catch(e) {} Sentence Completion Tests category includes free online quizzes on sentence completion tests consisting of multiple choice questions with answers. function jq_validateEmail(){ jq_jQuery('.jq_quiz_task_container').show(1); It is, therefore, unnecessary to repeat the noun from the main clause or introduce a personal pronoun to replace it: We usually put the relative clause as close as possible to the noun it refers to, otherwise the meaning may not be clear: We often avoid relative clauses in casual speech and writing, preferring shorter ways of defining or adding information: A relative pronoun can be the subject of a relative clause: A relative pronoun can also be the object of a relative clause: In defining relative clauses, we can omit the relative pronoun when it is the object of the relative clause, but not when it is the subject: A defining relative clause identifies or classifies a noun or pronoun in the main clause: We often use defining relative clauses to describe an important quality of someone or something: We often use a relative clause with the same pattern for emphasis, with introductory. if (answer !== false) { break; var timer_sec_tmp = max_quiz_time-timer_sec; In this article, you will find some relative clauses and the usage of the same which can be used for the practice test. var re_email = /[0-9a-z_]+@[0-9a-z_^.]+. function jq_SubmitButton(task, text) { if(path_elems.length){ try{ ScrollToElement(jq_getObj('jq_quiz_container_title'));} catch(e) {} } break; } var i_value; clearInterval(quest_timer); On the granite summit of Percy Peak this.answ_ids = new Array(this.kol_drag_elems); qualified carpenter for a job like this, for (i=0; i 0 && max_quiz_time != 3600000) { inputs_arr[i].disabled = 'disabled'; if (tItem) { jq_getObj('jq_quiz_container').style.display = ''; if(fact_blank_count != blank_count){ at the Ropy, _____ shows the best if (!questions[n].disabled) {