How many cups are needed? Due to dementia, she doesn't remember. Add the eggs, slowly, 1 at a time and mix well. The end result, as you can see from the pictures above, is moist and absolutely delicious. Cream the butter and sugar in a ProCook mixing bowl until soft and well incorporated then add the bananas. Hi Bee, Is it ok to skip the walnuts since I am baking it for someone with some nut allergy? Made one change based on a favorite Ice Cream flavor “Rum Raisin” (Haagen-Daz) ~ added some rum-soaked raisins! Using a stand or hand mixer beat sugar and eggs until nice and fluffy! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Leave in the tin on a rack to cool, and eat thickly or thinly sliced, as you prefer. Ever since I found this recipe at the back of the Gold Medal Flour packaging years ago, it became my go-to banana bread recipe. Add soften butter and sugar in a large bowl and blend. Thanks for the recipe. ・バター150g Let cool for 5 minutes, remove from pans and cool on wire racks prior to slicing. Will try baking it tonight but will still look forward to your response. No part of the content (digital photographs, recipes, articles, etc.) 思い付きでラムレーズンを入れてみたり.. そうしたらちょっと自分でもびっくりな、 Grease baking pan loaf with butter or olive oil. Keep it up x, Hi Baseera, if you don’t want rum, you can try my other banana bread recipe: Thanks for your sweet comment and thanks for trying my recipes. The movie theater is ½ a mile to our house so instead of grabbing a bite somewhere else we decided to go home and have the banana bread. Mix sugar and vegetable oil. Your email address will not be published. 1 cup fresh grated coconut or fresh shaved coconut dried overnight and toasted. Soak for at least 4 hrs. Mash the bananas using the back of the spoon, until mushy. ・薄力粉140g I made this bread before we left to see “Hunter Killer”. Place in a loaf pan that has been greased and floured. It gets requested a lot! This easy, quick, moist and delicious banana bread recipe with banana rum and walnuts is a keeper. (Rum amount above is a "guestimation" because I just cover the bananas with it.) Try Then drown the bread in rum glaze. I was however hoping it would have more of a rum flavor to it. Then add the nuts, bananas and vanilla. 2. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©2020, Inc. 2 tablespoons spices (anything, ginger, cinnamon, mixed spice), 1 good splash rum (either dark or spiced or gold). Strain and immediately cool this mix. In a large bowl, mix the melted butter, sugar and beat until blended, beat in the eggs one at a time, then the mashed bananas. Adding a half of the warmed milk to the eggs and sugar then add that back to the pot and cooking until it thickens to a light custard texture. Next time I might try a rum glaze to get more of a rum kick. ピラティスやズンバ、おすすめチャンネルがあったら是非教えてください!, ちょうどラムレーズンがあるので作りたくなりました! The holidays are around the corner and a good time to make it. はじめまして。(^^)/ Banana bread is one of those recipes that I have never stopped improving on because I just love it too much. Can't spell Rasa Malaysia? Mix sugar and butter until well blended in a large mixing bowl, stir in eggs and blend well Privacy policy. (Rum amount above is a "guestimation" because I just cover the bananas with it.) Extra for splashing. Oh it was so light, moist and delicious. Otherwise, it came together easily and is truly one of the best banana bread recipes I’ve tried. Rum adds just a tint of flavor in this super moist and amazing banana bread, and it lingers in the palate. Please try again. Easy, quick, moist and delicious banana bread recipe with banana rum and walnuts. Your email address will not be published. Hope you like it too. So get creative. Then drown the Now they can get the recipe any time they need it. Leave to cool and enjoy. more on us. Welcome! It all depends on how big your bananas are. 皮はこんなにまっ黒ですが、中はまだそれほど傷んでないんですよ。). :). Amazon Primeメンバーなら、無料で見られます。, 一日30分程度なので、無理なく続けられるし、 Yes, it’s amazing. Mix well. :). Rum Banana Bread! I haven’t baked the bread yet. Bake in a preheated oven for about 35 minutes. Preheat the oven to 190 C / Gas 5. ・ラムレーズンを漬けてあるラム(小さじ2), 1.型にパーチメントペーパーを敷きます。これ、一番最初にやっておかないとあとでとってもイライラするので(笑)先に終わらせておきましょう♪ 粉類(小麦粉、アーモンドプードルは合わせてふるっておく。オーブンを180℃(355℉)に余熱開始。バターは溶かして、粗熱を取っておく。, 4.卵が少しふんわりとしてくるまで泡立てます。「の」の字が書けるほどまで泡立てなくても大丈夫。, 5.ふるっておいた薄力粉、アーモンドパウダー、ベーキングパウダーを入れて、さっくり混ぜる。, 6.溶かしバター、砂糖、つぶしたバナナ、バニラエクストラクトも入れて、さらにまんべんなく混ぜ、最後にラムレーズンと、ラムレーズンを漬けたラムも入れて、軽く混ぜ合わせる。, 7.生地を型に流しいれ、180℃(355℉)のオーブンで40~50分ほど焼く。18cmの型を使う場合は、35分ほどで焼きあがるはずです。, まだ温かいうちに少し味見してみましたが、出来立ても美味しい~。♡