Single leg work, however, 95% of the time, should be treated as ACCESSORY work……and something that’s used to address imbalances or weaknesses. I get it. Next, perform the hip hinge you did before. The B Stance is a supported single leg exercise like Bulgarian split squats, braced squat/RDL’s, and lunges. For athletes that are ready for a single-leg RDL, here is our 5-step progression. If an athlete can split squat 350 pounds on each leg, an equal stimulus would be a 700-pound two-legged squat. Split-leg and split-stance deadlifts aren't the only deadlift variations. Split eccentrically descend under control into the bottom aspect of the split squat, ... Not only to get strong and coordinated in single leg stance, ... keep the single leg RDL in their movement library by programming it into their assistance work later on in the week in … But not. © 2020 ( It’s going to be huge. I usually coach people to take a heel-to-toe stance, with the brunt of the weight towards the leading leg (the one most forward). This top is an example of contralateral loading while the bottom is ipsilateral. All rights reserved. Split Stance Romanian Deadlift with Barbell: (Photo visual in the first comment) This exercise can be an improvement from the Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift in a few ways: 1. I also like to call this one a “Fake 1-Legged RDL.” While still technically bilateral, this variation allows the trainee to front load the front leg while simultaneously using the opposite leg as a balance point as they hinge back. Measures to Strengthen and Prevent Achilles Injuries, Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 11/20/20. We can essentially break down lower body movements particularly squat and deadlift-related exercises into 3 categories namely single leg squats, single leg supported squats (i.e. Most athletic movements found in sports and everyday life require weight transfer to one leg: walking, running, and lunging for example. I don’t want to give away all the juicy details, but suffice it to say 1) it’s going to be an ever evolving product that’s going to help change people’s lives 2) I’m really excited about it and it’s going to be available to the world starting this coming Monday, Jan. 20th, and 3) I’m pretty much going to win a Nobel Prize for Awesomeness. It’s something that I’ve collaborated on with the guys over at, and it’s a little project that’s been in the words for a few months now. Currently, when there are single leg deadlifts in my program, I do a kickstand deadlift. If you do these correctly, the front leg should handle most of the loading, but the back leg provides some stability. Split Stance Trap Bar RDL. Copter Labs sculpted this site’s magnificent posterior chain. From there it’s hip hinge city. I’d consider this to a hybrid between a traditional RDL and a single leg RDL. Removes the balance issue and allows more constant tension to be maintained in the target muscles. When to Regress Or Progress? YOU. You can now purchase CORE @ Home for whatever it is you want to pay. For most, just below the knee to mid-shin is plenty. The thing is a lot of people suck at it, and as a result typically don’t do it. on the opposite side to provide more stability. The split stance Romanian deadlift is an effective variation of the classic RDL that is performed with a split stance (one of your legs is in front, the other behind). Initiate by hinging the hips back trying to keep the bulk of your weight in the front foot. Yet……;o). Variations: Dumbbell, single leg, kettlebell, Smith machine, split stance, snatch grip, cable Romanian deadlifts Alternative: Lying leg curls The Romanian deadlift, commonly called the RDL, is one of the most effective exercises used for strengthening your hamstrings. Plus, get a copy of Tony’s Pick Things Up, a quick-tip guide to everything deadlift-related. I’m going to have full details available by Monday, so consider this the official teaser. The split stance Romanian deadlift, performed by putting one foot forward and the other backward, is an RDL variation that can be used by trainees who have balance issues and are struggling with single leg Romanian deadlifts. It’s good. It’s split stance RDLs. Why The Single Leg RDL? I bet you feel it a heck of a lot more in the hammy on the front leg, right? Keep the chest upright and shoulders back. That's your split stance RDL. And by “little” I mean the opposite of that. And we rely on one side of the body to adapt to that position in order to effectively perform the movement. No, Justin Bieber hasn’t somehow been scissor kicked in the throat. Stabilize and Come Up. Either way you should feel a massive “stretch” in the front leg hamstring. With that out of the way I want to toss a “new” exercise your way that I’ve been parading around the facility and using in a lot of programs I’ve written lately. Tony Gentilcore. Four to eight weeks of these will substantially increase your readiness for more unilateral lower-body work. You should probably listen to him if you have any hope of getting a butt that good. ... moving to a unique stance called “the kickstand” is … Why amp up the weight only to go into knee valgus and risk injury? Sure it may stroke the ego for a few minutes, but there’s no real benefit. That said, for many of us, that inner meathead prevails and just wants to lift heavy stuff. First things first:  some very cool news. Sliding RDL: The next progression is to use a slider, allowing the back leg to track behind the body while remaining on the floor.