Just purchased several culinary herbs myself! Jenny and her work have been featured in NPR, Guardian, New York Times, and Washington Post among other publications. They are also rich in various other nutrients. Much like parsley, tarragon has also been used as way to induce menstruation. After it is cold, strain it amd drink it at once routinely at night. The recipe for golden milk is wonderful, I drink a cup every evening, helps relieve the effects of arthritis (and many other ailments). They are also useful for hair loss. Check out the uses of mango leaves, also called as ‘Aam ke patte’ (Hindi) and bid adieu to sickness! Practice this method twice a day so that the benefit of bay leaves can be absorbed by our body fast. Characteristics: Lavender is a low-lying bushy flower with long stems and many tiny, pale purple buds. Russian tarragon is a perennial that is coarse in texture. Also, have you tried turmeric for healing? Boil them in 2 glasses of water. All content is informational purpose only, DrHealthbenefits.com does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. Drinking bay leaves boiled water routinely  makes our blood runs smoothly and reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Drinking them together, our blood pressure levels down and the constipation effect can be avoided. All rights reserved. The following two tabs change content below. The tender leaves of the mango tree contain tannins called anthocyanidins, which help in treating early diabetes. This helps to cure hiccups and throat problems. Characteristics: Deep green, slightly serrated leaves that curl up from the stem with a potent fragrance reminiscent of carrot leaves and parsnips. Due to their anti-inflammatory qualities, fresh guava leaves can relieve tooth ache, heal gum and mouth sores and treat sore throats when used for gargling. In folk medicine, it is also used to treat sleep disorders – particularly insomnia. However, how many of us are aware of the amazing benefits of the mango leaves? Did you ever use leaves of mango for medicinal purposes? If we have to consume them routinely, we have to make sure not to consume them a lot and in a high intensity. The leaves are dried and powdered, or used as an infusion to treat the same. This is because our digestive system perform slowly. It also helps to treat diabetic angiopathy and diabetic retinopathy. Thought you & your readers might be interested in the grow-a-long I’m running this summer where we all grow some herbs and then use them in fun projects over the summer months (for food, medicine, beauty products etc). It is deeply herbaceous and slightly similar to thyme with faint mint-like undertones. I planted some herbs for the first time a couple weeks ago. Mixing bay leaves with andrographis leaves is good idea to have the best result. Using this home remedy provides good relief. Drinking a decoction made by boiling mango leaves in water with a little honey helps to cure cough effectively. They didn’t make the list, because they’re not herbs. I have been an ardent book lover since childhood. The regular intake of this infusion acts as a good stomach tonic and helps prevent various stomach ailments. Sage tea with a little raw honey is my favorite “I had a bad day” tea. Heat the juice slightly before using it. Bay leaves are commonly used as one of cooking ingredients. Thanks for the wonderful indepth article! Put some mango leaves in warm water, close the container with a lid, and leave it overnight. Having never thought to pair sage with beets, I’m now on a mission for recipes that combine the two. Mint leaves are used in Middle Eastern, British, and American cuisines as a necessary ingredient in their dishes. I tried growing some herbs and then it snowed at just the wrong moment, killing them. Bay leaves are believed to harm the fetus. Traditionally, parsley was not only used for treatment of urinary tract and bladder infections but also as an treatment for gastrointestinal distress. You might want to add that peppermint will aggravate acid reflux. Happy weekend! Soak the leaves in a cup of water overnight. Parsley is thought to offer therapeutic uses in the treatment of the urinary tract and is approved by Germany’s Commission E – a therapeutic guide to herbal medicine – for use in the treatment of urinary tract infections as well as kidney and bladder stones. She has traveled the world teaching workshops and lecturing on food activism, sustainable food systems, whole foods, fermentation and culinary traditions. It is deeply fragrant. We all love mangoes, don’t we? I’m definitely excited about having fresh herbs as is my husband and older son. Like tarragon, one of basil’s major volatile oils is estragole. Drink while it is still warm once a day. Use it in: Turkey Hash with Yam and Sage, Chicken Liver Pâté with Sage. Jenny McGruther is a holistic nutritionist and a Certified Nutritional Therapist (NTP) and food educator. The substance in bay leaves are found to give bad effect to asthma patients. Wash and boil 10 pieces of bay leaves with 10 glasses of water until they remain 5 glasses. Very cool Jen Jenny! I made four for future breakfasts too. Use it in: Strawberry Mint Sorbet, Risotto with Spring Onion, Mint and Peas, Vanilla Mint Ice Cream, Chocolate Mint Mousse, Strawberry Yogurt Bowl with Mint and Pine Nuts. Moreover, parsley is also used as a way to stimulate menstruation. After it is cold, drink the water as herbal tea. The strong substances in bay leaves such as rutin, salicylate, caffeic acid, and fitonutrient can increase our heart performance and prevent us from stroke. StyleCraze provides content of general nature that is designed for informational purposes only. Therefore, the experts suggest not to consume too much bay leaves. Geranium Kidney infection and kidney stone can be resolved by boiling 5 gr of bay leaves in 200 ml – 50 ml of water. ». Curly Parsley. Mint is also added into ice creams, chocolates, etc. Flavor:  Peppermint is very aromatic and one of the most loved of the mint family. Therefore, they are good for diabetes patients and people who experience insulin resistance. Flavor:  Dill’s flavor is slightly licorice-like, deeply fragrant and unmistakable. Flavor: Tarragon offers a faintly anise- or licorice-like flavor – sweet and slightly stringent. Peppermint essential oil, when applied to the temples, is thought to help with headaches and migraines. Prepare 15 pieces of bay leaves. I just planted my herb garden today! In every 100 gr of bay leaves provides 180 mg or 45% of our daily intake. Disclaimer | Term of Use | Privacy Policy | Contact. I have always had a penchant to writing, and enjoy simplifying the most complex of ho-hum subjects and making them interesting reads!When not writing, I also enjoy travelling, and particularly wish to trot the globe someday! Use it in: Bison Stew with Red Wine and Sweet Bay, French Onion Soup, Sour Pickles. Flavanoid helps to normalize blood in hypertension patients. Medicinal Uses: Parsley’s medicinal effects rest in its volatile oils and flavonoids:  apiole, myristicin, terpinolene, appin and others. Burn a few mango leaves and inhale the smoke. Characteristics: Dill can grow quite tall with beautiful, fragrant flowering heads and feathery, fragile leaves. As a result, we are suffer from constipation problem. Medicinal Uses: Sage is approved by Commission E to improve appetite and to ease inflammation, particularly of the mouth. Common culinary herbs also convey gentle medicine, traditionally used for purposes that range from stomach upset and headaches to colic and liver ailments. It is especially useful for people suffering from cold, bronchitis and asthma. Use it in: Four Thieves Vinegar, Sleepy Tea. Will be sharing this with my readers as well! I’ve read that Parsley, and presumably the others that stimulate menstruation, are not recommended for lactating women. Click here for additional information . It also helps treat hyperglycemia. However, if we put bay leaves in our food, we will not suffer from constipation. The leaves dried in a shade should be powdered and then be taken with water two to three times a day to stop dysentery. Medicinal Uses:  Oregano is traditionally used to treat respiratory issues such as stuffy noses and coughs and is an expectorant.