Not Built For Businesses. These social media giants also got multiple lawsuits in the past years regarding user privacy issues. Take Facebook, for example, using it was a steep learning curve, and there were too many software updates which altered displays and usability. One of the new causes of depression today is social media, this is mainly because most people are comparing themselves to others based on what they see them post on their social media accounts. Ability to understand and express feelings and behaviors that facilitate positive relationships. For instance, you could say hello to your friend in Germany with Facebook, chat in seconds; but what if there was no way to communicate via social networking? We post pictures of us looking perfect and share the good news. Social media is killing physical human interaction, 11. However there can also be disadvantages, including the resources required and negative feedback. Identify and strengthen your or a child's internal abilities. We all develop this perfect image of ourselves and some of us actually try to rely on this imaginative thought we have of ourselves instead of staying true to who we are.”, “Texting, Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail alienate us from our families more than we actually think it does…. However, it’s not always been this way. Understand the pros and cons of the practice. Currently, more people are spending the majority of their waking hours compulsively using social media, neglecting face-to-face interactions and other responsibilities. Not coincidentally, this same message was echoed by the young people interviewed in Tomorrow’s Change Makers: Reclaiming the Power of Citizenship for a New Generation. A developmental psychologist and researcher, she writes for Psychology Today and Edutopia on positive youth development, K-12 education, and family-school-community partnerships. Check out this list of social networking sites to see which ones are the most popular right now. I use social media as a way to feel popular, important, and also just to fit in. The 10th-grade essays used for this article are five years old now but they could easily have been written today. Before we dive into the issues associated with the use of social media in the workplace, managers and employers must first understand the root cause of using social media during working hours. It’s easier to succeed at spreading false news and negativity because people are more likely to react to it than good news, This why some stuff on the internet is over hyped in a negative way just to grasp your attention and read whatever it’s about, Even though social networks are trying to curb the spread of false information and hate groups, they have not fully curbed the problem yet, Today there are a lot of viral videos of people doing all sorts of things that are bad like killing animals in a very disturbing way just for the sake of getting likes and fame on social media, And even in a very deadly instance where someone is supposed to put the phone down and help in a given situation, a person would rather sit back and record a bad event happening than actually go and help, For example, if a person is drowning, one would easily just pick the phone record the event and post it on social media than actually got and help the drowning person. Disadvantages of Social media. It is meant to generate additional discussion on the benefits and disadvantages of social networking and its effect on healthy youth development. In addition, most people don’t trust news from social networking sites–only 5% of U.S. adults have a lot of trust in this information. Best Social Media Platforms for Marketing . Disadvantages of Social Media. In the last five years, social media has proven to be a significant source of concern among privacy advocates, particularly with concerns over how Cambridge Analytica used Facebook data. It may also be a hopeful sign that people are learning to manage social media in healthier ways; or at least they don’t show an insatiable appetite for more. Specifically, using a social media platform for academic purposes. You post your funny and party pictures or a stupid online friend might post a vulgar or offensive post on your wall. Take Facebook, for example, using it was a steep learning curve, and there were too many software updates which altered displays and … So now people can hardly interact with the person sited next to them but prefer to text a person that is miles away from them. Sure, they’re great, incredibly useful, and fun time-killers. Here are just some of the commonly reported reasons as to why using social media is rampant in the workplace: 1. If we are so willing to replace the act that, honestly, we all love, with an artificial, typed representation that doesn’t even bring the same joy, what else would we be, potentially subconsciously, willing to exchange?”, “Since the inception of social networking, the quality of conversations has dropped. Parents have become increasingly worried about their children’s safety online and how to protect their personal data. So, we have to be careful for using social networks. Since most people who use social media only post the good things happening in their lives, most people compare what the person posted to themselves and they will end up depressed considering they would feel worthless that the other person is better, These comparisons to others also gives rise or jealous and envy when people keep posting the good things one does not have, Due to the instance of making friends and meeting new people on social media. Social media is used to spread false propaganda, 7. “Honestly, I sometimes truly wish that ‘tools’ such as the iPhone (or any smartphone), laptops, iPads, tablets, etc. Focus on using social media for all the good points outlined in this article, but be wary of falling victim to the dark side of an online interaction. According to a recent Forbes article, several studies have not only shown a correlation but also a causation. Making friends and interacting with different people all over the world, Perhaps it would not be called social media if it did not make people socialize with each other any way and at least it’s also helping some people learn how to make friends, Well there are lots of things people are learning from just using social media and they probably wouldn’t have know about it had they not seen it on social media. 1. When my family is spending family time together and watching a movie, in reality my brother and I are on our phones rather than actually watching the movie with our parents.”, “When I have my phone out, it makes me feel like nothing else is going on around me. I watch television less, do homework less, and even spend less time with my friends and family.”. Youth engaged in their communities claim that face-to-face interactions is what motivates them to make a difference in the world. It alters our idea of what it means to start a business. Internet addiction has negative effects on people’s health and well-being. Most experts agree that parents must lead the way by setting a good example of what healthy computer usage looks like. Children’s development is stalled by lack of exploring, short attention spans due to increased usage of smartphones, 9 Reasons Why Religion is so Important in Life and to Society Today, Reasons Why Sex Education is Important and should be Taught in Schools, Coronavirus: 18 Life Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic, 5 Ways How Social Media Causes Depression and What You Can do About it, Learn About the Universal Law of Polarity that Creates Balance in Life, 8 Reasons Why the school Education System is so Flawed, Is Time Travel Possible?