Hazleton Laboratories America Inc. for SKW Trostberg AG, Trostberg, pp. The level of testosterone in the plasma of these hypothyroid lambs was not detectable. The LC50 of a 10% aqueous solution for rats (4 h of inhalation) is above 195 mg/m3 (TNO, 1979b). FE-Vorhaben 10604011/07. The available experimental data on bioaccumulation as well as the measured n-octanol/water partition coefficients indicate no bioaccumulation potential for thiourea in aquatic organisms. Thiourea is a colorless, lustrous, sand-like material with a bitter taste. It is used in production of flame - retardant resins. A similar study with male lambs showed adverse effects on male reproductive development. Ziegler-Skylakakis K, Rossberger S, Andrae U (1985) Thiourea induces DNA repair synthesis in primary rat hepatocyte cultures and gene mutations in V79 Chinese hamster cells. From 0.1%: liver adenomas in 14/29 survivors, 3–4 ml 10% solution intraperitoneally (857–1142 mg/kg body weight), 3 times per week for 6 months, then 0.2% in drinking-water (280 mg/kg body weight per day) to 15 months, 6 animals died or were killed after 6 weeks to 8 months: no effects Palpation of the testes of treated lambs revealed hydrocoele with small testes. La cancérogénicité de la thiourée a certes été mise en évidence chez le rat, mais on a la preuve que les rongeurs sont plus sensibles que l’Homme à la formation de tumeurs thyroïdienne sous l’effet de déséquilibres hormonaux qui se traduisent par une élévation du taux de thyréostimuline (TSH). Due to the lack of measured thiourea concentrations in surface waters and soil, a quantitative risk assessment for these environmental compartments could not be performed. Pour caractériser le risque, on a comparé les données tirées de l’étude russe mentionnée ci-dessus à la concentration atmosphérique moyenne (de thiourée dans les poussières totales) de 0,085 mg/m3 et à la concentration maximale de 0,32 mg/m3 mesurées dans une usine allemande. Hollinger MA, Giri SN (1990) Interaction of thiourea with rat lung protein. The draft CICAD on thiourea was sent for review to institutions and organizations identified by IPCS after contact with IPCS national Contact Points and Participating Institutions, as well as to identified experts. Occupational toxicants: Critical data evaluation for MAK values and classification of carcinogens. There is no information available on kinetics following inhalation of thiourea. McCleskey PE, Swerlick RA (2001) Clinical review: thioureas and allergic contact dermatitis. Thioureas are related to thioamides, e.g. Seiler (1977) found no inhibition of the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into testicular DNA due to thiourea in vivo using the Friedman-Staub test (Friedman & Staub, 1976). Tests on respiration inhibition revealed IC0 values of >100 mg/litre for activated sludge (NAPM, 1974a,b; Grünwald, 1984) and IC50 values of up to 4500 mg/litre. In short-term toxicity tests conducted with non-adapted activated sludge, inhibition of nitrification was observed at thiourea concentrations as low as 0.075 mg/litre (2- to 4-h IC75), whereas NAPM (1974a,b) determined an IC0 of 100 mg/litre for this end-point. In water, thiourea is resistant to hydrolysis. Inhibition of thyroid function, as shown by reduction in the concentrations of thyroid hormones T4 and T3, has been reported at a thiourea manufacturing factory in Russia. NTP (2000) Eighth annual report on carcinogens. Rudolph & Boje (1985) reported 14-day EC50 values in the range of 205–618 mg/kg soil dry weight and 190–618 mg/kg soil dry weight for B. rapa and A. sativa, respectively. Central Institute for Nutrition and Food Research, Netherlands, for SKW Trostberg AG, Trostberg, 8 pp. Kellett JK, Beck MH, Auckland G (1984) Contact sensitivity to thiourea in photocopy paper. Cuando se utiliza papel diazo de copia, la tiourea se desprende fácilmente del revestimiento de la superficie. Analytical Chemistry, 51(3):385–387. There are reports on disorders of workers coming into contact with thiourea during the course of, for example, maintenance of machinery or packing, without providing any details as to exposure levels. It plays an important role in the construction of heterocycles. Lyon, International Agency for Research on Cancer, pp. BUA (1995) Thiourea. R 89/218). Pregnant mice were injected intravenously with 14C-labelled thiourea. Reported air concentrations of thiourea were in the range 0.6–12 mg/m3 (see section 6.1). Based on the physicochemical properties of thiourea and its use pattern, the hydrosphere is expected to be the main target compartment for this compound. Thiourea has not been tested in a standard bioassay of carcinogenicity in rodents. In contrast, no tumours were induced in rats treated with DHPN alone (Shimo et al., 1994a). There was only one study in which a LOAEL/NOAEL could be derived. In rats, there is a direct and linear correlation between the quantities present in the horny layer 30 min after topical application of thiourea and the subsequent percutaneous absorption and excretion measured over 4 days. As a fine chemical product with high additive value. The quantity of thiourea present in the stratum corneum of the application area was measured by liquid scintillation counting after tape-stripping the treated area (Rougier et al., 1983). Hyperplasia was observed at 2 weeks, and adenomas were observed at 4 weeks. They described the occurrence of tumours at numerous locations other than the thyroid gland, but the distribution of these varied from one study to another. Washington, DC, American Chemical Society. In plants, low concentration of thiourea was first used as a dormancy breaking agent (Tukey and Carlson, 1945). En se basant sur des tests toxicologiques valables portant sur divers organismes aquatiques, on peut considérer la thiourée comme modérément à fortement toxique pour la faune aquatique. La tiourea produce edema pulmonar derivado de los cambios en la permeabilidad pulmonar. Most of the studies in experimental animals were not performed according to current standards and were in some cases not suitable for the overall assessment. Thiourea had a former use in the treatment of excessive thyroid gland activity. Liang, School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai Medical College, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, Dr R. Liteplo, Existing Substances Division, Environmental Contaminants Bureau, Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Ms M.E. La thiourée provoque également un oedème pulmonaire consécutif à une modification de la perméabilité pulmonaire. Il est vraisemblable qu’il existerait un risque sanitaire dans cette usine allemande, tout au moins en cas d’exposition à la concentration maximale, si aucune mesure d’hygiène n’était prise. In: Henschler D, ed. Elle est soluble dans l’eau (137 g/litre à 20°C) ainsi que dans les solvants organiques polaires protiques et aprotiques, mais insoluble dans les solvants non polaires. MAK (1988) Thiourea. Les données expérimentales que l’on possède au sujet de la bioaccumulation de ce composé indiquent qu’il n’existe pas de possibilité de bioaccumulation de la thiourée dans les organismes aquatiques. Thiourea per se has few applications. However, no definite conclusion regarding the mechanism of carcinogenicity can be made for thiourea, since it cannot totally be excluded that the possible genotoxicity of thiourea also plays a role. R 6264). Thiourea was thus concluded to be only weakly mutagenic in this study. IARC Scientific Publications, 147:33–43. Central Institute for Nutrition and Food Research, Netherlands, for SKW Trostberg AG, Trostberg, 5 pp. 143–148. 3–99. It is also used in resin compression molding powder, cold wave, electroplating blueprinting, boiler Malcolm J, Griesbach W, Bielschowsky F (1949) Hyperplasia of the parathyroids associated with osteitis fibrosa in rats treated with thiouracil and related compounds. Hypoglycaemia, hyperlipidaemia/hypercholesterolaemia, and a significant fall in serum T4 were related to length of treatment. On the other hand, under the assumption that there is no direct interaction of thiourea with DNA, it was concluded that thyroid follicular neoplasia involves a non-linear dose–response process and would not develop unless there is prolonged interference with the thyroid–pituitary feedback mechanism (Hard, 1998). Slanina P, Ullberg S, Hammarstroem L (1973) Distribution and placenta transfer of 14C-thiourea and 14C-thiouracil in mice studied by whole-body autoradiography. Forschungsbericht 106 02 051. Whereas thiourea concentrations below 12 mg/litre increased the growth of excised tomato roots (Lycopersicum esculentum) within 4 weeks of exposure in a defined basal medium, 18, 23, and 46 mg/litre reduced growth by about 45%, 60%, and 30%, respectively (Glazer & Orion, 1984).