Additionally, blood meal can be used to deter some pests like deer, moles, and squirrels. When I added Bone and Blood Meal in soil it was still too early to take plants outside. In addition to nitrogen, blood meal … Gardeners must be careful not to exceed the recommended amount suggested on the label. If it smells like ammonia, I don't know exactly what process would have resulted in it (including some … Blood meal is dried blood, so it can certainly spoil especially when allowed to get wet. It is normal for period blood to have a smell, but different factors can affect this odor, including bacterial infections. Note that many of these repellents smell so badly or make so much noise that you won’t want to visit your garden either! It is a rich source of nitrogen, so rich, in fact, that it may burn plants if used in excess. By the time it warmed up, the smell was gone, so no problem. In this article, learn more about period blood smell. It is thought that the smell of the blood meal is unappealing to these particular animals. However, if blood meal is added, it can help significantly raise nitrogen levels. But, both bags were placed in the shed, and … Blood meal as animal deterrent, Cat fur as animal deterrent, Chicken manure as … Although blood meal … Blood meal is dried, powdered blood collected from cattle slaughterhouses.