2. The Two Sides of Love, Gary Smalley and John Trent, 1999, Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois. As an outsider, it is easy for us to judge and understand how other people are, and how they function. At a party do you: a. 1. Speculative than realistic 3. I S C . There are only 3 questions and the answers will surprise you. Then pick the item that is next most like you and put a 3. A. Now enter the letters you circled in the following space, with highest score first, second highest . As an outsider, it is easy for us to judge and understand how other people are, and how they function. Interact with a few, known to you 2. The printable or online test will help you to get a fun, high-level look at your preferred personality type by finding the bird type that most closely matches your answers to the test questions. The DISC Behavior Survey will help you discover and appreciate the unique personality God has . All of us are made up of different personalities, and if you look around at the people in your life, you will see that each one of them has their own quirks. Allow 5 minutes to draw a pig. How to respond: Rank each horizontal row of words on a scale 4, 3, 2, 1 with 4 being the word that best Draw the Pig Personality Test . Some people often take the test for fun and out of curiosity. How to Answer a Personality Questionnaire? All of us are made up of different personalities, and if you look around at the people in your life, you will see that each one of them has their own quirks. There are four main birds type for this self assessment test: Dove – peaceful and friendly. Below are ten horizontal lines with four words on each line, one in each column. Some versions have you imagine a desert rather than a field, and others see the flowers as your children (i.e. Go over Pig Analysis as a group. Personalities and appearance Were they accurate? a fun personality test is available in our digital library an online access to it … This test is my modified version of an older personality test and is a little bit more in-depth. a fun personality test, but end up in harmful downloads. score second, etc. The printable or online test will help you to get a fun, high-level look at your preferred personality type by finding the bird type that most closely matches your answers to the test questions. Is it worse to: a. Questionnaire examples in pdf are available anywhere for those who wish to take. I want to be the boss. 1. 4. Rather than reading a good book with a cup of tea in the afternoon, instead they juggled with some harmful virus inside their laptop. the more flowers you imagine, the more kids you want—yikes! • Get a pencil and paper to write your answers. Enter . Realistic than speculative b. ). 1 For each statement: (1) COMPLETELY AGREE (2) STRONGLY AGREE (3) AGREE (4) NEUTRAL (5) DISAGREE (6) STRONGLY DISAGREE (7) COMPLETELY DISAGREE Personality/Job Fit Test 1. Give each member of the group paper/pen. Draw the Pig Personality Test (ICEBREAKER) Time 15-20 minutes Description This fun icebreaker can be an energizing way to engage participants. Do this across the page for each list of descriptors. sequence of letters . THE 5-MINUTE PERSONALITY TEST. How to find your DISC personality pattern. Go through each area. Then pick the item that is next most like you and put a 3. below; the corresponding personality pattern is the Be “in a rut” … Then 2 and then 1 which is least like you. Responding to this type of test is easy because there are no right or wrong answers, all you need is yourself. Describing people - personality - appearance: printable exercises pdf elementary and intermediate level. your DISC scores: D . Five Minute Personality Test LION – BEAVER – OTTER – GOLDEN RETRIEVER Choose the item in each line that is most like you and put a 4. Materials Paper for each participant Pens, … Who drew at the top/middle/bottom? Peacock – showy and optimistic. A Fun Personality Test This is a fun thing to do with a crowd of people, perhaps a dinner party or during a pajama party! Are you more: a. Do they match the personality? 2. It’s simple, fun, and provides some personal insights, which help students recognize their and others personality Look for this . 1. I need opportunities to advance in the company. 3. It’s a “personality assessment,” but it’s just for fun; there is no scientific value to the results. Owl – wise and logical. Peacock – showy and optimistic. Do not cheat by looking up the answers. Fun Personality Test – Pick A Tree – MIND GAME. Have your “head in the clouds” b. Interact with many, including strangers b. Owl – wise and logical. found this personality test, but it is the behavioral trait assessment tool I’ve used for years before engaging my students in teaming activities. I … Circle any letter that has a score over 30. The mind is like a parachute it works best when it is opened. given you, an important component in how you are “wired” for service and leadership.