Im on my laptop trying to do some training and it asks me to pres CTRL+SHIFT+HYPHEN. It can replace commas, colons, semicolons and parentheses. Admittedly, Mac makes it easier to use em- and en-dashes than Windows. Keychain Access is a macOS app that stores your passwords and account information and reduces the number of passwords you have to remember and manage. Pressing a function key will invoke its secondary function by default. For Mac users, hold the Option/Alt key and the hyphen key simultaneously. HELP key: Use the HELP key to avoid confusion with the Help button. This article is for Office for Mac 2011. Windows version: Windows 10 Home. HTML Arrows offers all the html symbol codes you need to simplify your site design. If the pressed key inputs an ASCII alphabetic or numeric character with no modifier key, use a keycode for it. ... My keyboard is wired? The HTML value for en-dash is – and the em-dash is —. the hyphen is between the 0 and = keys - no shift needed. How to make Long Hyphens in your Mac Os keyboard? Single Left Pointing Angle Quotation Mark, Single Right Pointing Angle Quotation Mark, Right Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark, How To Enable IonCube Loader In WHM Panel. By default, Pages moves words that don’t fit on a line of text to the next line. And when your book is ready to share with your readers, check out other posts on Authority.Pub for the next steps in marketing, setting up ads, getting reviews, etc. Word’s Autocorrect will then replace the double hyphen with an em dash, unless you go into the Autocorrect settings and disable this particular option. Using obj['key-with-hyphens'] – Rayon Oct 5 '15 at 6:24 Possible duplicate of Unable to access JSON property with "-" dash – JJJ Jun 5 '17 at 8:19 add a comment | Microsoft Word automatically converts two hyphens into a em-dash if you type a word after before and after. Below is a computer keyboard with the hyphen keys highlighted in blue. For example, pressing both Fn and F12 (speaker icon) performs the action assigned to the F12 key instead of raising the volume of your speakers. To end the input sequence, press either the Return key or release the Ctrl/Shift keys. Home: Capitalize. The inverted punctuation marks can be selected by pressing on the question and exclamation keys. You must use the minus sign (-) on the numeric keypad; if you use the hyphen character on the alphanumeric keypad, Word will change the cursor. Mystery double key presses are a well-documented issue with some MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and MacBook computers, and while it’s not clear what causes the issue or how widespread the problem is, if you’re encountering the double typing issue yourself, you may find a settings change in Mac OS can help reduce the frequency, or even fix it entirely. En dashes (–) are primarily for showing duration or range as in 9:00–5:00 or 112–600 or March 15–31. Em dashes make it even easier to write the way we speak — whether you’re writing a blog post, some dialogue for your story, or a nonfiction book. If you're running into errors or issues with installing or activating Office on your Mac, see What to try if you can't install or activate Office for Mac instead.. Before you begin activating, if you haven't already, you'll need to redeem and install Office on your PC or Mac. Another option for an em dash shortcut is to type in a double hyphen, followed by a space. Format hyphens, dashes, and quotation marks in Pages on Mac. But on a standard English keyboard, there should be a key that has the hyphen as the main character, and an underscore as the shifted character. My new wireless keyboard, a Microsoft product, allows for most Mac keystrokes, but not that one, and I miss it. You’ll find accents associated with the following keys: e, y, u, i, o, a, s, l, z, c, n. Typing emoji on a Mac. 0 0. Always include the and key. You need to use this method for most of … You need to press the shift-option and the minus key to create the em-dash. HTML Arrows is shared by Toptal Designers, the marketplace for hiring elite UI, UX, and Visual designers, along with top developer and finance talent. If the system is Mac and the native keycode of the pressed key indicates that the key is 0-9, use a keycode for it. It can also be used to show an interruption in dialogue. Similarly, the ñ can be selected by pressing and holding the virtual "n" key. Create en dashes with Option-hyphen (Mac) or ALT 0150 (Windows) — hold down the ALT key and type 0150 on the numeric keypad. Once you have your product key, see Activate Office for Mac 2011.. OS Sierra and Mac 21,5" 2011. They’re practically invisible. Your Mac keyboard may lack Home and End keys, but you can jump to the beginning and end of documents, pages and apps with one of two keyboard shortcuts. Capitalize Hyphen when instructing a reader to select the key. The use of hyphens … Have a try with copy&paste for that character. Anonymous. Source(s): hyphen key located keyboard: Get your answers by asking now. Informally, a hyphen often stands in for a proper en dash. For the N DASH, type ALT (option) HYPHEN for the M DASH, type ALT (option SHIFT HYPHEN. A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that’s used to join words or parts of words. For example a hyphen and a dash. hyphen (-) Spell out hyphen when referring to a key. In Microsoft Word, as long as you have a numerical keypad, you don’t need anything this complicated, as you’ll see below. This is one reason why a good editor is such a tremendous asset. The hyphen-minus (keyboard hyphen), en dash, em dash, and mathematical minus/negative symbols are different (see WP:Manual of Style/Dashes).Pressing the -on your keyboard, usually next to the 0 (zero) key, will produce a hyphen-minus. HELP key: Use the HELP key to avoid confusion with the Help button. How to clear eustachian tube blockage naturally, How to calculate Fixed Deposit(FD) interest. but i dont know where is the hyphen button is at and it drives me crazy!!! Use to refer to the Home key. But they’re worth a few extra steps, and knowing how to use them correctly will strengthen your writing and impress your editor. The hyphen key (-) on my keyboard is not registering. On an iPhone, hold down the hyphen (minus symbol) and you will see all three choices of the dash appear. What is Keychain Access on Mac? To Link Certain Prefixes, Suffixes, Letters, and Numbers with Nouns OS build 17763.253 The method uses the Mac's built-in spelling-correction software. Learn How to Improve Writing Skills And It Will Change Your Life, 15 Tips to Help You Write Better And Attract More Readers, 10 Simples Steps To Writing A Book (We’ve Sold One Million Copies Using These Steps). For example, after switching to Unicode Hex Input, open Pages and type Option + 0024 to insert $ symbol. Be the first to answer this question. On Mac computers: the hyphen is already there (also known as the minus symbol). Using Unicode Hex Input. When you access a website, email account, network server, or other password-protected item, you may be given the option to remember or save the password. And when you’re in the middle of writing your latest masterpiece, do you know how to type an em dash when it’s just the thing to make a phrase stand out more? I’d like to add that, if you’re writing on a Mac, you can create an em dash by typing Space/Option/Hyphen. It happens to the best of us. The em dash (—) is the longest of the three punctuation marks, and it's used to set phrases apart. The four hyphen/dash-like characters used in Wikipedia are: - is a hyphen-minus (ASCII 2D, Unicode 002D), normally used as a hyphen, or in math expressions as a … The Easiest Way to Type Accented Letters on a Mac . To type a long dash, press on the hyphen key. Insert Punctuation Symbols in Mac. Likely, your keyboard already has a key just for this purpose. Windows version: Windows 10 Home. This is the simple page to learn how to type / make hyphens on your Mac Os keyboard. It can even be used in lieu of bullets for a non-numbered list or to substitute for an author name that’s already on a previous listing in a bibliography. I can copy and paste the hyphen in, but the button itself, and the alt code (alt+45) doesn't insert the hyphen correctly. Hyphen created. The em dash keyboard shortcut differs depending on if you're using a Mac or PC. You can change the input method to Unicode Hex Input and type keyboard characters and accented letters. And parentheses are not the same as dashes. The en-dash can be created by pressing the option and dash keys at the same time on the Mac. How to make Capital Letter U With Acute Accent in your Mac Os keyboard? When writing emails and articles I often find myself in the need to use a long/em dash — character, not to be confused with the hyphen -character. The Apple Mac keyboard and the dash. Capitalize Hyphen when instructing a reader to select the key. You can have Pages hyphenate those words instead as you type. Source(s): put hyphen alphabet computer keyboard: I can copy and paste the hyphen in, but the button itself, and the alt code (alt+45) doesn't insert the hyphen correctly. When you need more of a separation between words and phrases, though, you’ll need either an en dash or an em dash, depending on the context.