How long did it take to get your NIPT results? All health professionals who are involved in offering screening should complete the essential elements of the training, which should take around 2.5 hours to complete. It MUST be made clear that Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) is not classed as diagnostic test like amniocentesis or CVS but it will give you the reassurance to the highest degree possible that you are making the right choices should you need further testing. We use your health information to make our site even more helpful. Since NIPT can identify X & Y chromosomes most screens will offer you the option to screen for the risk of sex aneuploidy conditions including Turner’s (Monosomy X), Klinefelters (XXY), Triple-X (XXX) and Karyotype XXY. Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is an antenatal screening test that can estimate your chance of having a baby with. Anxiously waiting...: Hi ladies! An evaluative roll-out of non-invasive prenatal testing is due to start in England. Please note we are currently experiencing an increased time for Panorama NIPT results, up to 18 days. We interpret all results in the context of clinical and familial data and we recommend you continue with your usual scan appointments following testing. NIPT testing with any company is dependent on the amount of cfDNA circulating within it, sometimes there is not enough. For example, if you have a high-chance result from the combined test, your midwife or doctor may offer you NIPT. Screening and immunisation teams will monitor the compliance of provider trusts in delivering the training. Should the NIPT be returned as low-risk but the Nuchal+ Scan reveal a high-risk issue, then a rare chromosomal defect or other structural problems cannot be ruled out and you may then still wish to consider an amniocentesis or CVS. We are happy for you to call us to discuss your options. I did the nuchal NHS test at 12 weeks where they base results on scan measurements, bloods and age and results were 1:56 risk of having a baby with Downs so very high risk. When further sequencing is needed in order to obtain a result, TAT can be slightly longer. The screen can be undertaken at any time from 10 weeks gestational age. You may be advised that you should have an amniocentesis or chorionic villus biopsy (CVS) to assess your baby’s chromosome pattern. There is now enough good evidence to make us confident that NIPT is the most accurate screening test we have for Downs syndrome, Edwards' syndrome and … A toolkit has been developed to standardise the cascade training. A positive or high risk result does not definitely mean your baby is affected, although it is very likely. How long does it take to receive my NIPT result? To give you the best experience, BabyCentre’s website and emails use cookies and similar tracking systems to personalise the content and ads we provide to you. Harmony test/ NIPT? At this is my we realise that everyone is an individual and as such should we offer you a number of NIPT screening options, those available through this is my ltd are high-lighted above in bold letters. In addition to screening for chromosomal trisomy conditions most NIPT screens will offer analysis of the X and Y sex chromosomes. The assessment of your baby’s gender or fetal sex is entirely optional. The aim of the training is to help healthcare professionals support women in making personalised informed choices about screening. Screening for these conditions is not common practice and again requires appropriate counselling. Learn more about cookies we use. Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) is available to all pregnant women to screen your pregnancy for the risk of being affected with the most common chromosomal conditions and as such carries no risk of miscarriage and thus risk free to your pregnancy.