The east coast has amassed the lion's share of records. Quick reference icons for range,preferred habitat and behaviors 5. Yellow-browed Warbler (Fair Isle, Shetland, 28 September 2007). Pallas's Warblers habitually hover, picking insects off the underside of leaves, and they can hang upside down like a tit, too. Over 1,000 stunning color photos, an averageof 18 photos per warbler taken at multiple viewing angles,including flight shots 3. Yes, that’s an excellent idea. Yellow-breasted Chat. Anytime I want to hear a Hume’s Warbler in winter here in Dehradun, I just have to strain my ears a bit and sure enough I can hear one (yes, it’s that common during winter in North India). It’s solitary in winter and calls incessantly from the crowns of trees. Free Downloads . Mostly, however, this is a bird of the east coast. Black-throated Green Warbler Chestnut-sided Warbler Black-and-white Warbler Hume's Leaf Warbler (Almaty, Kazakhstan, 19 May 2013). Golden-winged Warbler South-East Asia. Wilson's Warbler Call: A high-pitched tsip or uist. c14cd971-9a1a-4371-b340-5edcb022b661 Among the most eagerly awaited of October birds are the wing-barred Phylloscopus or leaf warblers. Sonograms for an easier way to learn birdsongs,especially bet… Black-throated Gray Warbler Northern Parula Nashville Warbler Typically two yellowish wing bars are visible, the lower one being larger and more prominent. Its call is quiet and easily missed: a soft, slightly finch-like chewit. This Yellow-browed Warbler is performing just such a manoeuvre, though the species is less of an habitual hoverer than Pallas's (Steve Young / Includes all 56 warbler species in the U.S. andCanada 2. This fresh autumn Yellow-browed Warbler is showing its features to perfection: a small, compact, slightly short-tailed structure, bright 'green above and white below' appearance, a long, creamy-white supercilium, strong white wing-bars on both the median and greater coverts and crisp white fringes to the tertials; this last common to all the small Phylloscopus warblers on the British list. Thanks, Prashanth! This species is an altitudinal migrant, spending the summer in the mixed coniferous, oak and rhododendron forests and retreating to the foothills in winter where it joins mixed-species flocks to forage mostly in the mid-canopy and undergrowth. This slightly larger species has an extreme Far Eastern distribution, breeding in Transbaikalia, the Russian Far East, Korea and Japan. Kirtland's Warbler It was a very nicely done 3-part series. © 2020 BirdGuides, Warners Group Publications Plc. Red-faced Warbler Songs vary from sweet, melodic warbles to emphatic, buzzy trills. Pine Warbler A typical view is that of a tiny jewel of a bird, bright green above and whitish below, and adorned with broad, bright yellow supercilia bulging before the eye, a strong dark eyestripe, and dark crown sides with a sharply defined yellow central stripe. The darker legs and lower mandibles are diagnostic. Absence of coronal stripe, yellowish-white supercilium and a single wing bar are other features which help distinguish this species. This is a bird of late autumn, occurring in late October and November (at the same time as Pallas's Warbler). There are no Irish records. Though reminiscent of an Arctic Warbler on this view, this Sakhalin Leaf/Pale-legged Leaf Warbler reveals its identity by its slightly contrasting grey crown, dark-looking bill and 'ghostly' pale pink legs. This charming portrait shows the full set of Eastern Crowned Warbler features: bright moss-green upperparts, plain tertials, fine double wing-bars, greyish-olive crown with a pale central stripe, strong face pattern but unmarked ear coverts and a rather long, prominent bill (James Hanlon). Yellow Warbler the undertail coverts, extensive orange in the lower mandible and, most importantly, a pale central crown stripe, most obvious from behind. It is now an expected feature of late autumn, with some years seeing more than 200 records. Hume's Leaf Warbler (Kilnsea, East Yorkshire, 13 May 2009). Bay-breasted Warbler There were relatively few British records until the 1960s. The only large Phylloscopus on the British list with this head pattern is Eastern Crowned Warbler (Tony Dixon). The first British record was in 2009, since when a further three have occurred, all in October. Not for reed warblers, but do check out this set of resources of identifying difficult groups We've put together tutorials, free downloads, and a sound companion to the book that compiles all the songs, sounds and examples in one place - play along as you read! Video Tutorials. In winter, it is territorial and partial to the canopy, from the top of which it calls incessantly to defend its precious territory. This Pallas's Warbler is doing its best to show its full suite of features in one photograph. A few individuals have overwintered. Ovenbird Pale-legged Leaf Warbler (Tai Po Kau, Hong Kong, 21 September 2016). Colima Warbler This is sufficient to identify this bird as Eastern Crowned Warbler, but take in the other features, too: barely visible double wing-bars, a rather 'bright' or 'open' face pattern (a function of somewhat plain ear coverts) and beautiful moss-green upperparts, with no contrasting yellow rump (Steve Nuttall). Identification remarks to narrow down speciesID from silhouettes, color impression and tail pattern 4. We use cookies to improve your experience of this website by remembering your usage preferences, collecting statistics, and targeting relevant content. Swainson's Warbler The whitish edges to the tertials confirm that this is one of the small leaf warblers, the plain crown narrowing down the choice to Yellow-browed or Hume's Leaf Warblers. You can read Part I and Part II in this series of articles on leaf warblers. It has greyish-green upper parts and off-white underparts. Orange-crowned Warbler MacGillivray's Warbler It winters throughout southern China and South-East Asia. A southern montane counterpart of Yellow-browed Warbler, Hume's breeds in Central Asia and winters in the Indian subcontinent. In the UK, warblers can be separated into several groups – leaf warblers (slender, greenish birds of woodland and scrub, with simple soft call notes), reed, bush and grasshopper warblers (browner birds that live in wet places) and the Old World warblers (generally more patterned birds of woods and bushy places with short, hard call notes). We would certainly like to put up the illustration on Wikimedia Commons. Though a somewhat worn individual (note the narrow wing-bars and tertial edges), this Hume's Leaf Warbler still shows a number of important differences from Yellow-browed Warbler. Pallas's Warbler (Finland, 13 October 2010). The head is rather distinctive with a prominent pale yellow crown stripe, a broad yellowish supercilium and a very dark eye-stripe which broadens behind the eye and hooks under the ear coverts. They are not the only options, however. However, its plumage is duller, more grey-green and less bright above, and 'dirtier' or more 'sullied looking' below.