6.Where is the bridge-over water, over a road, between two mountains or anywhere else. 1.Do you face any difficulty on the way to your school? Ans.The bridge is made of cement and steel girders, so, it is used by all, i.e by people List some of them. Definitely no, punishment is not the only solution to misdeeds. Jugad means something made useful from waste. (a) The ground is made of soft and smooth rose petals. (b) Walking on the ground covered with thorns and tall grass is very difficult, I had to be more cautious while walking, and it was painful. NCERT PAGE NUMBER 10 Can you recognise some birds by their sounds? Teachers should love their students. All students must come in neat and proper uniforms. If you come across any such incident, whom will you inform? That should be situated at a calm place. 3.Have you ever seen so much snow? Is punishment the only solution to misdeeds? 1 A series in primary science TextBook Class 4 Jayashree Ramadas Author and primary science co-ordinator Team for Small Science Class 4 General co-ordinator Arvind Kumar Research assistance Suchitra Varde Design and Ans.Yes, I have seen so much snow. The 14 chapters in the book come with solutions, notes, questions, explanation, and exercises meant for students to practice and grasp the concept properly. No, I couldn’t climb it myself and my brother helped me get on it. NCERT PAGE NUMBER 5 A school should have a good library, a playground and a good arrangement for drinking water and toilets. Moreover, the month ends with the beginning of our winter holidays. 10. This will help them to identify their weak areas and … 7. Who all use the bridge? 2.Who taught you to ride? I can make a complaint by drafting it in a letter clearing stating details of the incident. Ans.I would like to use a bridge made of cement, as it is more safe and easy to cross and walk on. 8.Does the bridge seem to be old or is it new? Why? Yes, I have to cross two cement bridges on the way to my school. Find out what materials are used in making this bridge. How many children come on bicycles to your school? As a physical object, a book is a stack of usually rectangular pages (made... A Watering Rhyme : Early in the morning, Or the evening hour, Are the times to waterEvery kind... Hiawatha was a young Red Indian boy . 2.Can you think of other ways by which we can travel on water? Here are some rules for school to prevent misdeeds: – Students should not bring costly items or money to the school. No, I don’t face any difficulties on the way to my school. Do you face difficulties on the way to your school? Find out more about the bridge. Ans.Yes, I have been in a thick jungle, while I went to visit a National Park with my parents. I have seen the using of pulleys at construction sites, to hoist flags, to fetch water from wells and usually for lifting heavy objects easily. Did you fall down? Can you ride a bicycle? A separate PDF link is given for each chapter to download. 5. Why? 1.Do you also have punishment in your school? If there was no bridge over the river, people would have crossed the river by boat to reach their places. Now walk on your bridge. Why? Once I lost way in a forest.Moving on the Snow. Make some rules for school to prevent misdeeds. List them. Yes, there are very few bullock-carts in my area. Since barefoot with toes provides a better grip than shoes or slippers, I think it would be easier to walk on this bridge barefoot. These NCERT class 4 EVS Solutions for Chapter 1 Going To School can help students prepare for CBSE 2020 exams. List Your Institute, Event, Course, Service, You have already subscribed to 2 schools. (c) Walking on the ground covered with snow was slippery so, I walked slowly taking small steps with more attention. Do you think that such places have snow all the time? Yes, I have been in a thick jungle when I made a visit to a National Park with my uncle. 1. 6. Do you have bullock-carts where you live? 4.Do you have to cross any bridge on the way to your school? Lay them on the ground in a line as shown in the picture. The bridge is situated over a river (water). No, the ones in my area have no roof but I have seen bullock-carts with roofs. Where? But, there are other types of jugad vehicles in my area. Ans.Yes, it was easy Make a small bridge by tying 4 or 5 bamboo poles […] See Me Walk List them. on foot, vehicles and animals. This is because most students drive carelessly, which may cause accidents. Ans.Yes, it was easy 1. (b) The ground is covered with thorns and there is tall grass on the side. Hence, a cement bridge is stronger than a bamboo bridge and more people can cross a cement bridge at a time. The human teeth function to mechanically break down items of food by cutting and crushing them... A human digestive system is a group of organs working together to convert food into energy and... Food is essential for our body to develop, replace and repair itself. (c) The ground is covered with snow. In films or somewhere else? 1. 1. and on TV, etc. Make a small bridge by tying 4 or 5 bamboo poles together. 6.Which would be easier-using the pulley or not using it to lift things? Ans.Yes, I like to ride in something like this, because that would be great fun. Act the way you will walk in these situations. Going to School is the first chapter presented by the NCERT in the EVS Syllabus for Class 4 students. It was quite tough and I felt scared. Would you like to ride in something like this?